Chapter 78

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Third Person POV

The morning of the coronation was sunny and pleasant, in total contrast to the gloom cast over the capitol by Alterius's impending rule. He had already been acting as King for two weeks, but the common folk feared once his title was official, he would become even more of a monster than he already had proven to be. 

Ari, Alton, Emalina, Liasa, and four other soldiers who came from the fort were crowded in Aliti's small kitchen. Liasa had flawlessly executed the first step of the plan – copying Alterius's key.

"Alterius barely noticed I was there," she told them when she showed up with the molds. "Not his type, thank god. There aren't even words to describe his cruelty."

Ari now had the duplicate key around his neck. They were going to sneak into the castle through one of the passageways used by the maids, travel to Cassius's abandoned wing where they would dress up in the guard uniforms, hide in one of the utility closets near the dungeon, and wait until the guard changed to replace them with the soldiers from the fort.

Aliti handed Emalina a bag full of medicines. "I don't know what Safania will need, but that should cover the basics."

"We owe you so much Aliti. How can we ever repay you?"

"Get her out of there," Aliti replied simply.

Emalina nodded and gave Aliti a hug.

"Ready?" Alton asked Emalina.

"You're sure I can't come with you?"

"Em, we need you to help with the escape route."

"I should be there," she protested.

"This is a combat mission, Em. You're not trained, it's not safe, and we need you doing what you're doing." He kissed her firmly. "We'll bring her back."

"I love you," Emalina told Alton. "Be safe."

Alton nodded. Emalina watched with worry as the seven set out for the castle. Once she could no longer see them, she took a deep breath and headed to the river.


Alterius smiled before he walked into his coronation ball. The ceremony was over, and he was now officially king. Everything he had done had paid off. He listened as they announced his new official title.

"Presenting His Majesty Alterius the Ambitious, King of Peria."

Alterius walked through the ballroom doors to a crowd of people bowing to him. Everything about this moment felt perfect. He joined Celine at the bottom of the staircase and the two began to mingle among their guests.

"Dear, I'm going to get a glass of punch," Celine told him. Alterius kissed her hand and watched her disappear into the crowd. He wondered how much longer he would have to put up with her. He still had to figure out how to kill her and blame Irado for it. That was the best option to keep the support of her military. Trying to make it look like an accident hadn't been working.

His thought was cut short upon seeing the Duke of Terina from across the room. Alterius approached him.

"Your majesty," Liam said with a smile, bowing.

"Liam! It is wonderful to see you. I wanted to thank you in person for your gift last night."

The duke looked confused. "What gift?"

"The surprise you sent. It was appreciated."

"I'm sorry your majesty, my coronation gift should be in the throne room with all the others. Perhaps it was a different duke?"

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