Chapter 1

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"I was just explaining how you find the square root of a decimal" Smith stated. (If that's even a thing haha) Just then the bell rang. I jumped out of my seat and ran towards the door, not even bothering answering Smith. I ran outside the door, faster than ever, and ran down 2 flights of stairs. I quickly opened my locker and chucked all my books in, not bothering to check that they all went in properly. I slammed it shut and walked down the halls, almost running.

"Ruby, slow down," Mr. Doge warns.

"OK," I yell back. I slow down a bit but as soon as I'm out of space, I start running again! You may ask, why is she in such a hurry? Well, that would be because I have to get to work! At Sweet Treats. It's a little bakery on the opposite end of town, which takes about 10 minutes to get too. And, my shift starts in, I whip out my phone to check, 5 minutes! I run into the parking lot and frantically look around, trying to remember where I parked my car. Oh right! I parked it at the back of the school! I groan in frustration and run around the school, looking for my purple mini. I spot it and jump in, as fast as I can. I rev the engine and pull out of the parking lot.

My tummy grumbles since I haven't eaten for about 3 hours. I decide that I'm just going to have to stop at Starbucks. I drive towards it, while checking my phone, 3:47. Well, I'm officially late by 2 minutes, so far. I go through the drive-thru and order a Caramel Frappuccino. I quickly chuck a $5 note at the lady, and drive as fast as I can. I take a sip, and out it in the cup holder in my car. I step on the pedal, driving as fast as I can. 10 minutes later, I arrive. The big sweet Treat's sign sticks out at me, and I know I'm in trouble. I carefully walk into the shop, the little bell going off.

"Hello, this is Sweet Tre-," Amy, the shop owner, cut herself off, and glared at me.

"I am sick of it, this is the 10th time you've been late, I have offered you many other shifts, but no. You refuse! So I am refusing to let you work another minute at this shop!" Amy bellows.

"I'm sorry," I sighed. "It's difficult because this is the only free time I have, pretty much all week."

"Fine, you can have this shift, but I'm putting you on hold. You won't be working here for 2 months, which gives you time to sort your schedule out, young lady."

I look gratefully at Amy before rushing off to get ready. I walk into the bathroom, and change into my uniform. I walk back out, just as Amy's leaving.

"Where are you going?" I ask, worried that I will be here by myself.

"I am going home, here's the keys. Lock up at 7," Amy answers before chucking me the keys and walking out the door, causing the little bell to go off.

But I'm frozen to the spot. Me? Lock up at 7? What?? I have never, ever never, been alone at the bakery. NEVER! I slowly walk around the counter and take a deep breath, I can do this.

-----2 Hours Later-----

I check my watch again, 6:55. Finally, time to pack up. We didn't have many customers, just a few. I walk around to the back of the shop, into the office. When I walk back out, I freeze. I awkwardly step forward and clear my throat. The two guys turn to look at me, and I freeze again. OMG, its Chase and Austin. The two most popular people at our school, standing right in front of me. The look at me weirdly before walking towards me. I instantly react and step backwards.

"Sorry, shop is closed. You can come back tomorrow between 12 and 7," I squeak out.

"But we can't. We need cake now," Chase cries out. I clear my throat again and roll my eyes, a sudden burst of confidence surging through me.

Austin rolls his eyes and looks at me expectantly. "What?" He asks.

"You guys have to go, or else I'll tell my boss. Who will then contact your families," I say, with sass.

Chase's eyes widen at the mention of the word, family. He quickly tugs Austin's arm, and pulls him outside. Chase mutters a quick sorry, and walks towards his car. Austin throws his arms in the air and they start bickering. When Austin sees me staring at them, he quickly nods and jumps in the passenger seat of Chase's car. They drive off and I feel good that I handled it well. I grab the keys and my purse, before locking the bakery up and walking towards my car. I turn the radio on and start to enjoy my ride home.

----At Home----

My joy doesn't last long though, because my best friend, Jess, starts yelling at me asking me where I have been.

"I'm sorry Jess. Amy made me work until 7, and I then had to lock it up. That's when the guys broke in," I explained.

"WHAT??" Jess screeched into the phone. "Someone broke into the bakery? What did they do, are you alright? OMG, I am such a bad friend. I'll make it up to you somehow! Wait, you can come to the party with me tomorrow night! Yes, and we can go shopping together!"

"What? Ok, whatever. And yes, two people broke into the bakery, but I handled the situation well and they left. In fact, the guys were Chase and Austin from school," I sigh into the phone.

"WHAT? YOU ARE SOOOOOOOO LUCKY! I've always wanted to meet them, but you got to instead. Wait, how did you get rid of them??" Jess queries.

I recalled the story to her and finally turn my phone off. I decided to call it a night and went to bed. I changed into my Mickey Mouse PJ's and hopped into bed. I fell asleep thinking about what had happened earlier on. Why was Chase so scared that his family would find out?

Hello! Yes, this chapter has been edited and made a lot longer. Before, it was about 200 words, now it is about 1000! YAY! I will be posting a note about it because I want to make sure everyone knows! Ok, see ya! GhostlyGal


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