Chapter 9

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"Then we ended up kissing and then we walked back to class," I finished up. I stared and Jess's gobsmacked face and cracked up laughing I fell off my bed. "Wh-W-What?!" Jess screeched so loud I figured that she would be the reason that the new neighbors were moving out. I live in quite a fancy area, but my family's not that wealthy. The house was actually my aunts until she sadly passed away. I sighed at the thought of it and stared out the window. Jess followed my line of gaze and she looked back up at me sadly. "It's alright, I miss her to," Jess whispered in a sympathetic way. See the truth, is that the neighbors were mine and Jess's other closest friend, Melany. She was just like me and Jess, crazy and happy. The only thing that was different, was that she was a fan girl. She would ship everyone, I mean everyone! Sadly, her mother died in a car crash. And because her mum, Sharron, died, her father committed suicide. Melany was shipped off to live with her aunt, Florence. Unfortunately, her aunt Florence lived in France. If you didn't know already, I live in LA with a mum, Roxanne, a dad, Cole, and a little brother, Thomas. We call Thomas, Tommy because that's how he used to say it when he was little. Tommy's 8 years old, and I'm 17. Although, I am turning 18 in about 2 and a half months! The door creaks and mum peeks in. "Is everything alright in here?" Mum questions with concern written all over face. She sees us looking out the window and instantly understands. That's what I like about mum, she knows when you need to be alone and when you need someone's shoulder to cry on. "Well," Mum starts "there is m&m's in the fridge if you need them." Jess and I both crack a smile. We absolutely LOVE m&m's! We rush downstairs and after eating all of them, Jess's mum rings. "Uh huh, ok, be there soon," Jess hangs up and looks at me guiltily. "I gotta go, mum's made dinner." "Ok, that's alright, I'll just stalk people on Facebook," I joke. "See ya," Jess yells over her shoulder. Now, who shall we stalk tonight?


After stalking people on Facebook for a good 2 hours, I decided to start doing my math homework. That didn't last long as the new moving truck pulled up in the driveway. I tiptoed over to the window, as it was about 7 o'clock and my brother was sleeping. I peeked through the blinds to see my new neighbour staring right at me. Guess who? Chase! The one and only Chase that I kissed today! And to make matters worse, if he takes the bedroom opposite mine, our windows are literally right next to each other. Which means he could sneak into my room! I slammed the window shut and pulled the curtains across quickly. I simply thought to myself, just avoid him and everything will be fine. That didn't last long as about 3 hours later, I was furious. Chase had been chucking rocks at my window for the past ½ hour! I just couldn't take it anymore. I stomped over to my window, pulled open the curtains so quick I think it ripped and yelled right at him. "Chase, stop throwing rocks at my window or else I'll sneak into your room and strangle you while you're sleeping!" "Ah, I don't have to worry about that because this isn't my proper house." Relief washed over me as Chase said those 14 words. "This is only my house, but I don't sleep here," That bad boy who was nearly dead smirked at me. He actually had the confidence to smirk at me! The guy who owns 2 flippin' houses smirked at me! "Anyway, at least there will be some entertainment around her now," Chase chuckled. "What do you mean, there was enough entertainment without you," I say through clenched teeth. "Was there? What's the entertainment then?" Ummm......Good Point. He smirked again! "I say we make you a bucket list that you have to finish by the end of the school year," Chase says. "Challenge accepted," I say, my turn to smirk! And in one swift movement, Chase has jumped over the window into my room. We started brainstorming at this is what we came up with.

1. Go to a Party

2. Skip school

3. Dye half your hair

4. Go skydiving

5. Go shopping

I really didn't think the last one was necessary but Chase did. He said my wardrobe was as bad as a snake eating mouse, which doesn't make sense. "Ok, we can do number 1 tonight," Chase says, "My friend Austin is having a party and were invited." He also said that we would extend the list further. Dang!


About an hour later, I was dressed in a black dress (Picture above). I had on a cream cardigan and some cute white boots. Chase and I were currently sitting in the car listening to Taylor Swift. Chase hates her so, why not annoy him? And here we are, another adventure waiting to unfold itself!

Hey guys, so another long chapter? You like them? Anyway I just wanna mention  froward for being a lifesaver recently! That's all, so don't forget to comment and vote! See ya my little milos! 

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