Chapter 14

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Hello! I just need to tell you that slowly, the first 7 chapters will be edited and become longer. The chapters will be stretched out to about 1000 words. Ok! Toodles! :)

The wind blows on me and forces me back, into the arms of Chase. We fly freely until we finally have to clip up. Chase pushes himself onto me, and clips us together, because I was way too freaked out to do it by myself.

"Having fun?" Chase whispers in my ear.

"Loads," I whisper back. He says something back, but I tune him out, wanting to enjoy this experience.

"Don't you think?" I catch the last few words of Chase's sentence.

"What?" I ask, not knowing what he was talking about.

"I was saying how beautiful you look, and how much of a sexy beast I look like," Chase grins and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, you're about as pretty as a naked mole rat!" I snort, un-lady like. Well, to be honest, it's not like I'm that much of a lady anyway.

Chase scoffs and pretends to be upset and I am about to insult him about how pathetic he sounded when suddenly, I was pulled up.

I screamed and Chase started laughing at me. Oh, it was the parachute, I think to myself. I send Chase a glare and look back at the front, seeing as I was in front of Chase. I made sure to flick him in the face with my ponytail, and judging from the cry of pain behind me, I guess I succeeded.

"Come on Chase," I groan.

"I barely hit you, and its hair! Not like some sort of baseball bat!" I exclaim at seeing Chase's eyes water.

"It hit me in the eye," Chase moans.

"Oh, so that explains the crying," I conclude.

"Whatever, I'm not crying," Chase rolls his eyes to show how tough he is. Sure Chase.

"Oh, is the little baby crying?" I tease.

I lightly punch his shoulder as a joke. He punches back, then I punch him, then he punches me. It goes on and on until Chase realises that we were about to touch the ground. He pulled back and we softly landed on the ground.

"Pretty good, huh?" Chase asks as I begin to process what just actually happened. Huh, I really did it!

"Wooh, suckers! I skydived and you're all losers because you're afraid!" I yelled to the next group about to go up.

They all start to mumble and a few of them start to move away from the group. A few more people follow until there's only about 5 out of the 10 people there. I start laughing and walk over to the people.

"Hey, I was only kidding, you'll be fine," I reassure.

Slowly, they all start to move back to the group by the plane. Don looks relived and Chase has his eyebrows raised.

"Suckers and losers?" Chase asks. I shrugged and replied.

"I have absolutely no idea," I say. Chase laughs a little and grabs my hand. We walk towards his car in a silence, both remembering the amazing experience we just had. I jump into the car and Chase puts the keys in. He turns the car on and starts to back out. He holds my hand while driving and I smile, satisfied.


I was walking down the halls and everyone was staring at me. I felt a bit self-conscious but carried on no matter what. I reached my class just as I feel a body fill the space next to me.

"Hey, where were you?" I ask Chase.

"Just taking care of some business," he replies.

"Ok," I shrug.

"Uh, me and the guys are hanging out tonight and we were wondering if you and Jess want to come?" Chase asks, sincerely.

"Sure," I grin.

"Great, because it's somewhere fancy, so we need to go shopping" Chase squeals.

"Ok, how about at 4 this afternoon?" I ask, checking my phone to make sure nothings on.

"Nah, I was thinking now?" Chase asks. I freeze and turn to Chase.

"Are you kidding me? It's halfway through second period! I am not skipping school to go shopping, especially because I have a test in Science!" I screeched.

"Ok, ok, fine. We'll go during lunch," Chase rolled his eyes and ran up ahead of me.

"Where are you going?" I call out to him.

"Home. I need to make a shopping list for this afternoon," He calls back, and runs out of my eyesight.

I shake my head in disapproval and walked to Science class.

"Hey weirdo," A voice comes behind me.

"Hi Lola," I said sarcastically.

Lola is the worst, LITERALLY. Me and her used to be friends until she backstabbed me. Now, she gets jealous of me all the time since she's the popular girl! Whatever.

"Stay away from Chase," Lola mutters.

"If you don't I'll make your life worse than it already is," Lola warns and stalks off.

"Sure, whatever!" I called out to her.


------1 ½ hour later------

Mm, a chocolate milk, jelly and oreo's sound pretty good right now. I am quite worried that Chase will take me to get some boob job or something. What? You never know what Chase is like. I sit down and take 1 spoon of my jelly, when I hear that dreaded voice.

"Ok, time to go!" He announces.

"Uh, really? Can I at least eat first?" I groan, feeling hungry.

"Nope, we got to go shopping!" Chase squeals. By now we've attracted the whole schools attention.

"WHAT?" A scream comes from the opposite end of the cafeteria.

"You guys are going shopping? Ruby! You promised me you wouldn't hang out with him anymore!" She screams.

"Lola, don't be selfish. If Chase wants to be my boyfriend then that's his decision. And for your information, I didn't promise you anything. Ever since you backstabbed me, you became jealous and bullied me. Well you know what? I'm not letting you do that anymore, so get a life of your own," I reply. Then I chuck my jelly at her and grab my chocolate milk and Chase, then stomped out of the cafeteria.

"Let's go," I growl.

"Woah, possessive much? Actually, it's quite hot," Chase grins.

I lift my chocolate milk up and he takes a step back.

"Do you really want to go there Chase?" I smirk, knowing he'll give in.

"No, I'm too hot to be covered in chocolate milk!" Chase screams.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes and continue walking out of the building.

I finally come to Chase's car, and stop and wait. He opens the door and I hop in, while he walks back around and gets in himself.

"Ok, so where to first?" I ask.

"Oh, defiantly Jo's boutique," Chase winks.

Ooooh, cliffhanger! Kind of? Anyway, thank you sooooo much for all the votes and reads! That's kinda the reason this chapter is short, I wanted to update today so I don't keep you lovely people waiting! Ok, that's all. Oh, what do you think is going to happen when they go shopping? Also, here is some more info about what I said at the start of the chapter.

So, my chapters started at about 200 words, then eventually worked up to about 1500 words, like now. I thought it was weird so I decided that the first 7 chapters are going to be rewrittenso they fit my proper word count! That's all!


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