Chapter 11

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I let him carry me around for a little bit until I got really annoyed. "Chase, I know you're just trying to be nice but please put me down," I sighed. "Ok," He let me down and to say I was surprised was an understatement. "Wow, ok that was easier than I thought," I said very shocked. "Ah, but there's a catch," Chase smirked, "You have to put a blindfold on." "Oh, come on, pleaseeeeeeeeee," I begged Chase. "Nope," He said popping the p. Wow that was hot. Oh my gosh, did I really just think that? My feelings for Chase have been growing stronger. What? It's not like you didn't already guess it. I noticed that Chase had already blindfolded me while I was having a little chatter in my head. "Uhhh, this sucks, the blindfolds all scratchy," I moaned. "Yeah, it is a dirty cloth after all," He said. "What," I yelled, fumbling around to try and pull off the blindfold. "Wait, I was only kidding Ruby," Chase sighed. I huffed a couple of times before storming off. "Ruby, you don't know where you're going," Chase yelled after me. I groaned and turned around so I was facing or so I thought. "Well I'm sorry," I said with sass. "Ah Ruby, I'm this way," he chuckled. "Whatever, just take me to wherever," I huffed. He grabbed my hand and slowly the ground became grass. The grass was tall and reached my knees. Even though it was 9 o'clock it was still hot. The sun pelted down and made me feel wonderful! Slowly, Chase untied the blindfold, and I was stunned. In front of me was a large field, the grass up to my knees and right in the middle of it was 2 single beds, in a trailer with a table on the side that had food on top of it with a mini fridge. The moon set off light and made it seem so romantic. "Wow," I breathed. "Pretty cool, huh?" Chase said. "You did all this?" I asked stunned. "Ahh, some of it," Chase confessed. "My sister helped me with the beds and stuff, but I chose the place," Chase offered. I looked at him with a look that said, seriously? "Anyway, how did you find this place?" I asked. "Actually, my dad did," Chase said. "Ah, do you and your dad still come here then?" I asked. Chase looked away. "No, my father is actually," Chase started, "dead." I gasped and Chase glared at me. I turned around so I was no longer facing me, and ran towards the trailer. I jumped onto one of the beds, then the other, trying to figure out which one was comfier. Defiantly the one on the left. I jumped onto it and snuggled under the covers. Chase soon joined me and stripped his t-shirt off. Whoa, those abs though. Ok, I need to stop it but seriously, I gotta drool over my crush! AHHH, shut up mind! Chase is looking over at me, amusement all over his face. Well, at least someone is enjoying my little mind fantasy. Wait, fantasy? "Ok, do you wanna hot chocolate with marshmallows?" Chase asks breaking my long line of thoughts. "YES!!!!!!!" I scream! "Ok," Chase mumbles under his breath. He hands me one and my body tingles with excitement! I take a sip and it burns my tongue. I take another, and another until I've drunk half of it. I take another gulp and turn to Chase who starts laughing at me. "What?" I frown. "You have marshmallow on your nose," He says and reaches over to wipe it off. There's about 10cm in between the beds, just enough space for us to put our hot chocolates in. I put mine down even though I haven't finished it, just as my phone goes off. It's a text from mum. My eyes widen and Chase notices and starts to panic. "My mum texted me," I whisper in fear. I carefully open the text, nearly too afraid.



I text her back, hoping she won't get too mad.


Don't worry mum, I'm with a friend, safe and sound. I'll go to school tomorrow. See ya tomorrow afternoon, I'll walk home. Ruby xox

I sigh in relief and put my phone down. "Everything under control?" Chase asks worried. "Everything under control," I confirm. Chase looks relieved and I do too. "Ah, Ruby there's actually something I need to tell you," Chase mumbles. "Ok, go for it," I return. Chase clears his throat and says, "I ashulry wile who," He says so softly. "What?" I cup my ear to signify I can't hear him and take a gulp of my hot chocolate. He sighs and says much more clearly, "I actually like you, more than a friend." And just like that, all my hot chocolate is spat out of my mouth like a hose, and lands on the guy who actually likes me!


"Oh," I say. "Look, I'm sorry, that was awkward, I know you don't like me bac-" Chase starts before I cut him off. "Well, then it's should be good to know your feelings aren't one-way," I say. Chase's jaw drops, before a huge grin takes over. And slowly, we both drift off to dream land.


The next day I woke up with a start. Something was moving and when I looked over, I saw the source of the noise. My boyfriend, Chase. Oh, did I forget to mention last night he asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes. "Morning," I yawned. I looked over at my phone and jumped out of bed. "Holy poop, we're gonna be late for school Chase," I yell. "Chill, relax Ruby, I thought we'd skip today," Chase soothes, well at least try's to. "Are you crazy, me skipping school? Nah, ah!" I moan. "But, if you offer something better than school, I may reconsider," I add. Chase walks over and hugs me by my waist and says, "That's my girl." I roll my eyes and spot the McDonalds sitting on the counter. "I think I might just eat this, ok?" I tell Chase. "Ok, you need to eat lots considering what I want to do today," Chase says over his shoulder. I grab a burger and say, "What are we doing today?" I take a bite out of my burger as Chase says, "Today, we are going skydiving!" And just like that, my poor juicy delicious burger falls on the floor.

Here's the next Chapter! Enjoy!!!! If you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote because it means a ton! See ya!

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