Chapter 10

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When we reached the house, you can clearly tell a party's going on. The front lawn was covered in fairy lights for the season of Valentine's Day. Oh, did I not tell you? It's coming into the month of February, which means, Valentine's. I DEFIANTLY don't enjoy valentines because that's when Zac made the promise to me. The promise that specifically states that we will always be together, that is until he broke up with me for the schools resident mean girl, Toni. Obviously, her names not really Toni, its Santonia. But she finds it too embarrassing, sometimes I even feel sorry for her, which was before the breakup. "Ruby, are you in there?" Chase says waving his hand in front of my face. I notice that I had somehow gotten out of the car up onto the front door steps. "Uh, I kinda carried you because you looked like you were in some pretty deep thought," Chase states, obviously blushing. "Thanks," I say, playing it cool, "Let's get this party started!" I ran into the house and started to get my boogie on!

------About 5 minutes later-----

I walked into the kitchen to grab Chase a coke, and myself a 7 up. I grabbed them out of the freezer and started to walk back to Chase when a hand abruptly stopped me. "Hey," I yelled turning around to get a better look and the person who just stopped me. "Oh, it's just you," I snarled and started to walk away. "Stop, Ruby, I'm sorry," Zac says. "For what? For breaking my heart for her or for ruining my reputation by spreading rumours about me or, being a total idiot and ruining my life?" I ask with an icy cold stare. "For everything, but I want to tell you something," Zac says, taking calm breaths, as if he's preparing himself for something big. "Shoot," I say, giving him my full attention, actually curious to what he's going to say. "I want a second chance. Did you really feel nothing or was that an act? When I broke up with you, were you really not that upset? Please Ruby, please," Zac says, with actual sadness in his eyes. Wow, I guess that was big. I'm taken aback and can feel the shock plastered all over my face. "Zac, what you did to me was something I don't think I could forget. You dumped me for the girl who bullied me for 5 years, 5 years. It's not going to be that easy to forget," I sigh. "I'm sorry Zac, and I did feel something there, but you broke that connection a long time ago." I turn on my heel and walk off to find Chase. Tears streaming down my face. I just needed someone to lean on and I need Chase. After a few seconds, I spot Chase in the crowd. But he's not alone. He's got 2 girls both kissing him on either side of his cheek. He catches my eye and sees my tear streamed face. More tears pour out as I turn around and run out of the house, dropping our drinks on the way. I thought I could trust him, he said he'll change for me, but I was wrong. I run out side and the tears start to pour out, one by one. The patch in front of me is nearly a puddle and there's more to come. I feel a presence behind me and whip my head around. Chase, that traitor. "What's wrong?" Chase asks. "You were kissing them," I started, the anger boiling inside of me. "You made a promise to change for me and when I'm gone less than ten minutes, you already break it! How dare you? I thought you had changed, I had feelings for you but for the second time in my life, I am the one who gets ruined. And how do you think that feels after your ex-boyfriend just tried to get back together with you but you can't because stupid me has feelings for you!" I scream and get right up in his face. "Oh," Is the only thing that pig can say. I turn around and run even though it's quite a while to my house, but it doesn't matter. By the time I'm home, it's about 12 o'clock and I am super tired. I sling my hair into a top knot and jump into my onesie, not bothering to take my makeup off.


I wake up the next day and jump out of bed. Getting ready for school, I put on some denim shorts, with a nude top and a cardigan. I slip on some purple converse and slip on a layer of lip gloss. I race down the stairs and grab an apple which I quickly munch. I start to think about valentine's day and realise that we have the valentine's letters at school today. Basically, they make every student write a love letter to someone in the school! Previously, I've had one, and that was when I was dating Zac. When I finished my apple, I grabbed some money and stuffed it in my satchel. Everyone else has gone to my Aunt's for a holiday, so the house is all mine, along with the car! I grin like a madwoman and jump in. I start the car and ride into school in my black Mercedes AMG. I hop out, lock the car and run into school just as the bell goes. I successfully avoided Chase and sit down. Mr. Benson walks in the room, carrying a box of red and pink pieces of paper. "Ok class, first thing this morning, is the valentine's letters. Each student is required to write a letter. When you know who you are going to write to, please come forward and grab a piece of paper. I look across the room and everyone's talking about who to write to. But the one thing that catches my eye, is Toni whispering to Chase just loud enough for the class to hear. "I'm writing mine to you, who are you writing yours to?" Toni asks. "I'm writing mine to a very special girl," and that's all he says before turning around. Cautiously, I walk up and grab my piece of paper and start to write.

To Chase,

I know I am not the nicest person to you, but I really like you. Even though you don't know who is writing this, I really like you. After spending so much time with you, I realise that maybe you are different and not the guy I thought you were. I know that you don't like me anymore, but I just wanted to let you know that you're ok. And I hope you have a great future with some other girl.

Signed, Ruby.

(P.S Don't tell anyone I wrote this, that's just stooping as low as Zac)

I walk up and slip it into the box and sit back down. But I notice that Chase doesn't put his letter into his box and is grinning like a madman.


During lunch, I keep on drifting about, not paying attention to anything. Especially Jess talking about her brand new boots and how 'hot' they are. "Hello, are you there Ruby?" Jess asks with a huff. "Yeah, sorry," I mumble and go back to daydreaming but am rudely interrupted by the bell. I slowly pack my things up and trudge to the library as I have a free period. I am dreading the next bell which means I'll have drama with Ms. Finnegan. And the letters are being handed out. I grab a random book of the shelf to try and distract myself and read the blurb.

Here is Lily and Lexi's new life after being adopted by some rich family. Their parents have sadly passed away and they do what they need to do to survive.

(Check out my book collab with called Out of this World) For the next half an hour, I read until the bell goes at last. I walk into the school theatre and everyone is crowding around the box of letters wondering if they got one. Drama went by until Ms. Finnegan said that it was time to check the letters. We all sat down at our desks and one by one she handed out the letters. Toni got like 300, when I actually got 1. I ripped it open and read the letter.

Hello Ruby,

I am your best friend's secret admirer and I need help trying to get her to like me. I'm not sure that she would like a guy like me so I need help. If you wouldn't mind helping me, please contact me by either:

Texting me. My number is 64-29877579857 (This is a random number)

Emailing me. My email is lolololololololololol@lolmail. (Random email)

Thank you and please contact soon.

Signed, Bailey Cross.

Bailey Cross likes my BFF? Crazy, Bailey Cross is the schools king jock or whatever. After Drama passed, I drove home and stalked people on Facebook. At 9 o'clock, I was just about to go to sleep when something hit my window. It came again and again. Slowly, I crept across the window and Chase was standing there. He threw another rock up and it hit me on the face. I lost my balance sitting on the windowsill and tumbled down only to be caught by Chase. "Well, that was easy," Chase says. I try to jump out of his grip but it's too tight. I groan and yell at him,"What are you doing? You can't kidnap me! "Just relax Ruby, its a little something to say sorry." I go silent at that and about 2 minutes pass in silence."Where are we going?" I ask Chase breaking the silence. "You'll see," Chase says. "I'm still mad at you," I say, squirming to get out of his grip, again! "Your letter didn't say so," Chase smirked, "But, I know what I did was wrong, and I apologize for it, it was a mistake," Chase says sincerely. He opens the car door and gently lets me down onto my feet, while I stay quiet. "You know my parents are out and will kill me," I pointedly say. "But, your parents are out," he says. I sigh and let him take me wherever. I wish I was a stronger woman and could stick up to the guy I like, but I couldn't because deep down, I was way to excited!

Thank you for reading TGGTBB! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Drop a vote bomb and a little comment if you want! Check out my new story Out of this World! Thank you again! See ya my little milos, Queen Milo!

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