Chapter 12

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"Skydiving, you must be kidding me?" I yell, "I am not going skydiving, not now, or ever!" "Oh, come on Ruby, it'll be fun," Chase groans. "No, I told you NO! Next, you'll be asking me too dye my hair green!" I scream. "Well, it was on your bucket list," Chase suggested. Oh shoot, I forgot about the list! "Uhhhhhh," I groan. "Wait, I got an idea," Chase shouts, "How about you die your hair and then we go skydiving!" "No, nu-uh!" I shout back. "Please," Chase begs, "NO!" I scream!








"Fine!" I say, "I'll do it on one condition." "Yay! Ok, what's the condition?" Chase squeals like a little girl, gosh. "I get to choose what colour I dye my hair and yours," I say. "What, who said I'm dying my hair?" Chase asks. "Me, or else I won't do it, Oh, and we have to bungee jump together," I add. Chase sighs and mutters, "Gosh Ruby, you are so difficult!" I roll my eyes and sigh, "Deal or not?" I stick my hand out waiting for his answer. "Fine," Chase grunts and shakes my hand to seal the deal! "Ok, what's first? The hair or the skydiving?" I ask. "Obviously the hair, that way you can show the world your new and improved hair!" Chase smirks. "Oh, don't forget, your dying your hair too!" I say and the smirk instantly falls off his face and he groans. "Please don't make it a bad colour!" Chase asks hopefully. "Nope, not a bad colour, just," I pause for effect, "PINK!!!!!!!!" "What, NO!" Chase screamed. "Uh-huh, you shook on it!" I smirked, and did a little boogie to celebrate. Chase groaned, again! I tugged on his arm, heading towards the clearing we came through. We finally reached my house, after a 20 minute walk because Chase didn't bring his car. I reach under the doormat to get the spare keys, because I didn't take them last night. I slotted them into the keyhole and opened the door. Mum would be still asleep so I creeped upstairs to get changed. I got into a pair of mini shorts and wore a purple top with my black cardigan and some purple converses to top it off. I grabbed my purse and put my keys, mints and my phone in before sitting down at my desk and writing a note to mum.

Hi mum,

I have gone with Chase to do some stuff and dye my hair. IT WILL BE TEMPORARY!!!! Chase said he knew a really good person so apparently, I'll be in good hands!

See ya, Ruby :)

I put my pen down and walked into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I trudged downstairs and put the note on the kitchen bench so mum would see it. I opened the door and went into the living room where Chase was waiting. "Ready to go princess?" Chase asks, I smile at the new nickname. "Sure am, oh, and who is the person that will be dying my hair?" I query. "My sister," Chase says. "You have a sister?" I ask, totally surprised because he never talked about his family. "Yeah," Chase sighs, "She's the only other normal person in the family." "Wait, so who's the other normal person," I ask. "Me, duh," Chase says. I fake surprised and say, "What? Really? Your parents must be really bad then!" I joke. "Oh, they are," Chase says with a serious tone. Oh, I'm going to stay clear of that topic then! "So, tell me about your sister?" I ask. "She's 21, just finished college with a hairdresser degree and has experimented on herself, so she has pretty crazy hair," Chase says. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to meet her!" I giggle. Chase grins over at me before leading me into a small hairdressing boutique called, Crazy Cutz! A little bell chimes when we walk in and we are suddenly greeted by a refreshing smell of roses! The interior of the boutique is quite fancy, with all the chairs being black and the huge chandelier in the middle of the roof. A girl comes up to introduce with bright purple hair, and blue and turquoise streaks! I absolutely LOVE it! "Hi, I'm Lily, but people call me Galaxy, note the hair, and I'm guessing you are Chase's girlfriend," Galaxy, Lily, suggests. "Yeah, I'm Ruby, and you must be the awesome hairdresser that Chase keeps on talking about!" I rant excitedly! Galaxy chuckles, "Yes, I am the awesome hairdresser!" She yells and fist pumps the air for exaggeration. "Ok, calm your farm Lily, today we are here to die Ruby's hair," Chase says. "Wait, and your hair Chase, it was part of the deal, we both dye our hair and then," I sigh, "we have to go skydiving!" Galaxy cracks up laughing and starts rolling around on the floor, tears flooding her face. "Oh my gosh, that is hilarious, anyway," she stands up and dusts herself off before continuing, "What can I do for you today, Ruby?" "I want to dip dye my hair but I'm not sure what colour though I think I'll do it blue like yours," I beam. "Ok, and what colour is yours going to be Chase?" I answer just before Chase can start, "He is having his PINK!" I yell, "It was my end of the deal!" Galaxy let's out a soft chuckle while Chase sighs, obviously annoyed. She leads us through a small hallway on her right, and walks into a room and turns the light on before beckoning us in after her. We both sit down in a chair while she walks to the back of the room where all the dyes are lined up. She picks out 3 bottles, one labelled pink, another labelled dark blue and one named blue. "Ok, for Ruby's hair, if you're going for a galaxy look, you gotta use 2 blues, a light and a dark," She says and collects two towels that have all sorts of colours on them. Galaxy wraps them around our necks and grabs 3 brushes, then dabs the brush into the light blue bottle before sectioning my hair and placing tinfoil underneath a section. She starts to paint my hair. Let the fun begin!!

Hello, hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I am looking for some new characters to take place so if you want to be one of them, message me! Drop a vote bomb if you enjoyed! AND THANKYOU!!!!!! Last time I checked, this book has reached 400 reads, 75 votes and 55 comments!!!!!! Thank you, you can not know have appreciative I am! 

See ya my little milos,


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