Chapter 10 - The people prefer to stay inside -

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"Come on, Jask." I said with a grin. The palace was already in sight and Jaskier songs did amuse me. Yet it was the same as the songs previously. Barely the truth... Well, it was true but "You never did get with the two hunters of Borch, did you?" I asked him and he sighed sadly. "Indeed." he said but preferred to stop there before getting into detail.

"Purpose on entering the royal grounds?" A guard asked what made me almost jump as I was still in the conversation with Jaskier. Said bard snorted. The guard frowned at that and repeated his question and I lifted my hand as I had heard him. "I'm here to see my mother." I stated and he rolled his eyes. "And who might that be?" he asked and now I rolled my eyes. 

Another guard came rushing towards the gate and looked rather nervous and waved around his hands as he caught his breath. "Apologies." he said, still out of breath. The first guard looked confused and held out a hand for us not to pass right through. "Your Highness, I am terribly sorry. He is new here." The other guard stuttered as his lungs carefully got filled with air again. The first one's eyes widened and he quickly bowed. "My deepest apologies, your highness." he mumbled an apology and they let us pass. 

"Allow me to bring your horse to the stables." Another guard, further on the royal grounds, said. We hopped off of Amber and I handed him, after I got my bags, the reins of Amber. The gardens were dull. The bushes without flowers, the trees without leaves, they were the colourful decoration that was swept from the stone paths that soon will be covered in snow. "I remember this a little more... crowded." Jaskier commented on the absence of the usual amount of people we saw here when we were here a few years ago.

"During the winter, people prefer to stay inside." A female voice spoke behind us at what we turned. It was the woman that I had learned to be my mother a long time ago. She had a small smile on her lips as she examined my bruised figure and the taller bard next to me. "I prefer it too, when people stay inside." I said with a little smirk. She stepped closer towards us, the fur of a wolf hanging around her shoulders, warming her. 

"To what do I owe the honour of having you here?" she asked and reached for my shoulder where she rested her right hand for a moment before she quickly pulled it away. "You're freezing." she stated and examined the way I was dressed. Way too lightly for the end of autumn and near the beginning of the winter. "I'm good. I'd be more worried about Jaskier." I said and nudged him. He was cold. I could see the goosebumps on his forearms and the slight blue colouring his lips. "Let's head inside, shall we?"

The palace's thick walls kept the cold outside. The fire ignited on torches and lamps warmed a few spaces in the halls up a little, giving it a warm embrace as a welcome from the freezing continent's air. "Where have your Witcher? Has he left you?" she asked while we followed her to wherever in this palace. I frowned and chewed on the inside of my cheek to keep it together. Remember, I want something from her. Can't have myself messing it up because I didn't have my temper under control. "Just like me, he's looking for our child surprise." I answered and she nodded. I could see her lips curve upwards as I said that. "I see. So you did make me a grandmother after all." she said and I shook my head, rather confused. "I did not." she chuckled only at that but chose not to say anything more on that topic. 

On some comfortable couches in front of a warm fire smouldering in the fireplace and some ale on the table, we sat now together. My mother and I in silence, as Jaskier, appreciated the warmth and collected all he could which I watched with amusement. "What did you come here for?" she asked raising her brows as if expecting something. I thought for a second. Should I just straight ahead ask for what I am here. "To have me raise your child surprise?" she asked, her eyebrows rising even more. "What?" I asked with a smile and started laughing a little. "No, not for that." I answered her question to what her eyebrows sank to their normal level again.

"You see this?" I asked and pointed at all the ripped spots on my blouse that wasn't covered by my black cloak anymore. It was warm enough inside here. She nodded and looked worriedly all over me as she could see all the wounds and cuts on me, especially the one on my arm from yesterday. I had no chance of covering that up with a cloth yet. "I need armour." I said and she nodded. "And you need me for that." she stated and completed by that my sentence. "Yes. I do not mean to use you, it's just-" I began showing her my empty leather bag that was for coin. "Monsters are no rare sight but coin is." 

She nodded yet again. "I understand. I will inform the blacksmith." she said and I tilted my head. "No conditions?" I asked and she chuckled at that. "You're my daughter and it's not like I don't have coin for my children." she said and played with the rim of the cup she held between her fingers. "Even if we never really were a family, I want you to be safe." she said and put a hand on top of mine. "Anything else I can do for you?" she asked and gave me a loving smile. I looked over at Jaskier who was rubbing his hands and capturing still the warmth of the fire. "A fitting jacket for my friend perhaps." I said and she nodded as well to that. 

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