Chapter 5 - A new adventure -

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"A what?" the maid asked but I waved it off. "I take this job but now, may I eat?" I asked and raised my fork, almost threatening the maid. "O-of course, miss." she said and bowed with her head. "It's Mrs." I corrected her, mumbling, this time and took the first bite of my food. The maid made an attempt to speak up again. "Nicole, don't disturb the customers. She wants to eat, can't you see?" he said and walked back into the smaller room behind the counter, where he came from. 

"The keys for my room." I demanded and reached out my hand towards the maid. I was tired. Not only exhausted but tired of being alone. She quickly nodded and put a small key into my hands. "Thank you." I said and left the room to go upstairs where I had a room at almost the end of the corridor. I unlocked the door and wanted to put down my bag but it was still attached to Amber. I sighed and left the room again. Laughter from some rooms, snoring or moaning. It was a tavern, it's always like this. With tired steps, I walked down and past the many tables at which some people were still sitting. 

I was about to open the door and when I did, I bumped right into that person who was at the other side of the door, wanting to enter the tavern. "Sorry." I quickly said and pushed myself past the person and my hood slipped off of my head in the meanwhile. I got pulled back by the wrists and was now facing the person but my gaze was on the ground, to hide my tired face. "Now, is that how you greet a friend?" My head shoot up and a smile plastered on top of my lips. I was now feeling excited, happy. I threw my arms around the shoulders of the person and gave him a tight hug, the lute being in the way a little. "Jaskier, can you imagine how happy I am to see you?!" I exclaimed and hugged him even tighter. He, of course, returned my hug in a tight way. 

"I am too." he whispered. I missed my friend so badly. He was just gone after we helped Borch. "What are you doing here?" I asked and broke the hug to look at the bard with a smile. "First, you should take a bath." he said and held his nose. "You smell of blood and dust." he said and waved around. "Right, those were four pretty tough days." I said and chuckled a little at that. "Let me just get my bag and then we can keep talking, alright?" I asked and pointed towards the shelter in which was Amber. The bard nodded and held the door open for the few seconds that I was gone. "Alright, let's go then. Got more than enough space in my room." I explained and nodded upstairs. 

"Oh, so is this the reason you're a Mrs now?" the maid asked and wiggled her brows. "I'd be lucky if I was but no. She's married to a big old grumpy White-haired." Jaskier chuckled and pushed his elbow slightly against my side. I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs. "How did you find out?" I asked with a grin on my face, knowing that he's not happy with him not attending the wedding. "Captain Teague himself told me." he answered with an annoyed grin but then laughed it off. "It's alright, you had no other choice." he said while raising his hands. 

"So, tell me, what are you doing here?" I asked again as I let myself fall onto the small armchair. "Traveling the continent, spreading the tales of Geralt and Evelyn of Rivia." he said with a dramatic hand gesture. "Speaking of which, is he still mad at me?" I raised my brows. "Mad? At you? Why should he?" Jaskier's eyes widen. "Oh, ho, ho, I'll tell you why! Because I am the reason why he's in so many bad situations! I am bad luck." he said and extended his arms. I frowned. "Oh, are you? So I am something bad too?" I asked and crossed my arms. "I was thinking about that as well. Thanks to me he found the love of his life, the only thing that brings him joy and makes him smile, even though he still rarely does that." I smiled at that, he truly is a poet. "Oh, Jaskier..." I sighed. "Where is he, has he left you out again, because it's too dangerous for you?" He laughed and imitated Geralt's deep voice. I scrunched my nose a little and then scratched my neck. Jaskier was looking around to see any of Geralt's things. "Actually... he's not here." I told him. He frowned. "What? Where is he then?" He asked.

"That's what I'm trying to find out." I said and lowered my head a little. "He left you?!" Jaskier asked, raising his voice a little. I rolled my eyes, with what I tried to hide, how hurt I was by the feeling of him leaving me, even if it was involuntarily. "He went after our child surprise. After Cintra fell, I figured she wouldn't come back." I said and his jaw dropped. "Cintra already fell?! This soon? And I thought Calanthe was tougher than this." He said and mumbled the last part. I nodded. "What do you plan on doing now?" He asked and I put my head back. Sighing. "Go to my mother." I stated and brought my head back into its former position. He nodded but didn't say anything.

"I need an armour. It's always been Geralt who protected me. I never really did something on my own. And I need my mother to have said armour made. Barely enough coin my pocket to rent a room here and there." I said and bit my lower lip. "And you? What do you wanna do now?" I asked him and looked between him and his lute. "Accompany you. A new adventure. It's time that the great Evelyn of, now, Rivia, is not the Witcher that only gets things done with a big strong man by her side, but that she damn well is just as tough and strong as Geralt." He said with wildly gesticulating, which made me smile a bit. Then I frowned. "Have you described me as such in your songs?" He shook his head. "N-no, no, no. Not at all! It's just what- what people... interpreted it to be." He stuttered and I clenched my jaw. "I'll beat it out of the people myself if I must. I can do great on my own, without Geralt." Even tho, I don't want to be without Geralt...

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