Chapter 33 - What for do you yearn? -

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"Ladies and gentlemen, you have been the most beautiful audience. Remember to toss a coin if you can. If anyone needs me, I'll be at the bar. 

What for do you yearn?
Is the point of no return
After everything we did, we saw
You turned your back on me 
What for do you yearn?

Watch that Butcher burn!

At the end of my days when I'm through
No word that I've written will ring quite as true as 'burn'!
Burn, Butcher, burn! 

Burn, Butcher, burn! 
Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn...

Watch me burn all the memories of you."

The room erupted with cheering and applause. Jaskier was sitting at the end of his performance. "Thank you." he mumbled, probably not even loud enough for the cheering audience to hear. He was still wearing the red leather jacket he got from Evelyn. he felt bad for leaving so suddenly. He had to. He, yet nobody quite knew it was him, the sandpiper had to bring people over to Cintra, he couldn't just stay away.

The song he just sang was the one he hadn't yet finished when he was travelling with Evelyn, also he didn't want her to hear it, because she would be rather angry probably when she heard him sing badly about Geralt. He smiled weakly to his audience. It was a hit and he knew it. However, he felt bad for the song. Being reunited with one of the Witchers had pushed the feeling of how much he missed them in the foreground. He, in fact, didn't want to burn all the memories he had. He needed them I his life but was too proud to admit that so he played tough on the outside.

In the meanwhile at Kaer Morhen, Ciri mad washed her hair and even put a flower in her hair. She felt pretty again. Like a girl. Like a princess. She smiled as she walked over to Triss who returned it immediately seeing Ciri dressed up. "Good morning, Ciri." she was the first one to greet her and make her presence noticeable to the others. "Morning." She greeted back and approached the sorceress and Vesemir, who both were sitting at a table to eat breakfast together. Vesemir's eyes lit up a little and a small smile put itself on his lips.

"You look lovely and refreshed." Triss said what made Ciri smile even more. She took a seat next to Vesemir, opposite Triss. "Triss, when do you think we can get started?" the girl asked. "Today. I was hoping you'd help me in the lab. We can get to know each other. I can show you a few incantations. Get a sense for your potential." Triss explained and Ciri nodded enthusiastically, her smile growing wider and wider with each word Triss said.

"Good morning." Ciri greeted Lambert and Coen as soon as they walked in. She was hoping they'd approve of her looks too, since she put so much effort into it this morning. "Did you sleep well?" she asked and stood up from the table. "Oh, good morning, Your Highness." Coen chuckled and jokingly bowed to her. Lambert joined him with a laugh. "Please tell me you lost a bet." Lambert said and raised both of his brows. 

Ciri's expression fell. "Is that a flower in your hair, girl?" he asked and she put her head to the side, her gaze downwards. They laughed at her. "Oh, she's not joking." Lambert then stated and his laughs were now stuck in his throat. "You never got my rags that clean." he said and suddenly a huff of a laugh came along with it. "Yeah, like you ever wash." Coen said and rolled his eyes. "I don't need to, Coen." Lambert stated. They kept on laughing at her. She turned on her heel and rushed out of the room.

"Now that's funny." Lambert said and the laughter continued. Triss looked after her while she stomped out of the room. Geralt, who just entered followed her with his gaze, then he looked into the room. 

"Thought it suited her, actually." Coen admitted while he and Lambert went to get themselves some food. "Sure if she's going to a ball." Coen laughed at that statement. Geralt caught notice of that and approached them. "What happened?" he asked worriedly and confused."Oh, nothing. She just got her royal knickers in a twist." Lambert shrugged it off and chuckled at the end. "You should be ashamed of yourselves." Triss spoke across the room.

"It's just a bit of fun." Coen defended them. "For who?" Triss asked with a frown. Geralt crossed his arms, still trying to figure out what had happened. "You dress her in rags. keep her bruised as an apple." she started and walked towards them. "That is, when she isn't washing piss-pots or your trousers. Does she even have a chemise? Or soap? Or cloth for when she gets her blood? Though, with those mushrooms you're feeding her, you'll ruthlessly deprive her of that before too long. You say you're mutants. That's why you don't understand what people feel. But the truth is, you're choosing to be ignorant arseholes, aren't you?" she started to scold them.

All the gazes were down and nobody dared to answer them. "Triss." Coen called her as said woman walked out of the room, looking after Ciri. Geralt sighed. he frowned. He bit his lips. He never had to deal with such things. Why would he? Evelyn was a grown woman who was taking care of those things herself. Geralt knew that she's have those things, all mentioned by Triss, but he didn't know that young girls don't know this by nature. It's not a given thing. It must be the hardest thing for a young girl to have to go through all these things without having a mother, an older sister or any other woman she can talk to about it. 

When Triss found her, she took her to the lab where they watched the spinning potion bottles, waiting for them to stop spinning. "How long did it take you to learn to control your powers?" she asked. She was comparing. She knew from Geralt, that Evelyn was training for more than twenty years to become a decent fighter. Now how long would it take Ciri to learn combat and how to control her powers?

"A long time. Just like it will for you." Triss said, grinning down a little at her. Geralt walked into the room to whom Ciri turned within the blink of an eye. "It's not ready yet." he informed him. "I can wait." Geralt waved it off. He handed her something wrapped in cloth. "They felt bad you didn't finish your breakfast." he explained. It took Ciri by surprise but she accepted it. She unwrapped the bread and took a bite out of it.

"You know, my grandmother fought battles and wore dresses." Ciri said to explain herself. "You can do both." she said with a shrug. Geralt smiled a little. "I know." he said, the image of Evelyn being dragged into a corset and royal dress by her mother flashed in front of his eyes. He thought it was funny, would laugh along with her, because she was the one who made jokes about it. She didn't like them. Geralt didn't care if she wore one or not, she was still beautiful in his eyes.

About Ciri? Well, she actually liked dresses so it's no fun for her to have jokes made about her wearing one.

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