Chapter 18 - Nivellen -

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The wind got heavier and so got the snow. From far away it almost sounded like wild dogs barking but I couldn't smell any people around. This town never sleeps. Usually. "I know somewhere nearby. An old friend." I said as we walked the snowed-in gate and the dark houses. 

We approached the old mansion that was seemingly empty. The path, which was decorated with stone statues aligned to it, was covered in a layer of snow. Only a few rocks and a few piles of dirt were uncovered by it. I hopped off of Roach and approached the building. "Stay on Roach." I told Ciri. 

All of the sudden, the lights turned on in the building and the shutters and the door flung open and close repeatedly. Roach got nervous and started stepping around. The light stayed on but the movement of the parts of the house stopped. Yet the doors of the front gate closed themselves. With wide eyes, I looked over my shoulder but before I could check if Ciri was alright, a beast charged out of the front doors of the mansion.

It lunged at me and while he tackled me I grabbed ahold of his shoulders and let his back meet the ground, my pocket knife in my hand not far from his face. A face decorated with tusks and fur. "Geralt!" He yelled at me and I retrieved my knife a little and examined him. "Nivellen?" I asked, my voice filled with confusion. I could recognize him by his voice and the few familiar features on his face. "What the fuck are you doing here, you old whoreson?" he asked with amusement spread all over his face. 

"This is your friend?" Ciri more stated than asked. "Yeah... But he's changed." I said and still had my knife pointed at him, while he still had his hands up. "I know. I look a tad different since you saw me last. But I could say the same of you. Put away your knife and come in out of the cold, Witcher. I'll tell you everything. Eh?" he suggested at what I put my knife away. He chuckled. 

Inside the house he ignited a fire in the chimney, it being the only source of light and warmth at the moment. "A fire for my guests." he presented with open arms. "And you, my dear..." He started and looked with a half bow at Ciri, to ask for her name. She looked at me and I gave my approval by raising my brows. "Ciri." She answered the unspoken question. "Well, Ciri, what say you to a hot bath to warm your frozen bones?" he suggested. Her eyes went wide and her lips curved into a smile. "Oh, I'd love one." she exclaimed. 

"We're only staying until the storm dies." I told her. "Please." she said and looked at me. She wasn't asking for permission. "Splendid. Bath." he said and then, from the ceiling, there fell a bathtub in front of the chimney. It was filled with water and a mountain of bubbles. It smelt like vanilla and woodruff. Reminded me of Evelyn. Nivellen laughed and presented the bath to Ciri. She gasped and approached the steaming tub. "You can bathe in the next room." he suggested for me. "I'm fine." I said and gave Ciri a last look before we left the room.

"You, my friend, are very far from fine. You reek of old horse." he said and I smirked a little. "Part of my charm." As far as I remember, Evelyn loved this scent. Well, she loved every scent that was far away from powder and big dresses. "You always were a horse's arse, anyway." he joked. "Doors." he commanded after we left the room. The doors closed by themselves. 

"How long's it been? 13 winters since we last saw each other?" he asked. It's been 16. "Nivellen, I'm not one to slight the rite of hospitality, but I do need to know that she's safe here." I said and stopped a few steps away from the doors. "You see my tusks and think I would- bite the throat?" he joked yet again. Bite may not be the right term. I just looked at him. He grunted approving. "She is." he said with a nod. "I'm still me. Well, lights!" he said and gestured with his hands along the corridor and each candle on the wall was now ignited. He laughed and I tilted my head a little impressed. "That's not a bad trick." 

We continued to walk away from the room, in which Ciri was. "You gonna tell me what happened to you?" I asked him. "That's a tale requiring wine. What of you?" he said and gave me a quick look. "That's a tale requiring a wine cellar." he laughed at that. 

"Numbskull took one look at the place, tucked tail and ran so fast, his feet didn't touch the ground. Brigands were tougher in our days, eh?" Nivellen chuckled as we sat at the grand table in the dining room. His gaze dropped and he stood up as Ciri walked into the room. "Thank you so much for this." she thanked him. She wore a white long-sleeved dress. Far too impractical for travelling through the forest, if you ask me. "My other clothes were ready to run away by themselves." she said and he shook his head which turned into nodding. "But of course. Uh- You look lovely." he complimented her and gestured for her to take a seat.

"Roast venison, sage truffles, sweet wine, and lots of it!" he exclaimed and food and mugs of wine fell from the ceiling onto the table. "And for you, only the best. Witcher's quail." he said and let smoked pig legs fall on the table. He laughed at what Ciri joined. "That's a good one." I said and threw the pig leg on my plate away. "I jest, I jest!" he said in between laughter. "Mountain pheasant for my friend!" he said and said meal fell on my plate.

"Very good, eh?" Nivellen asked as he saw Ciri devouring the food. She nodded with a satisfied grunt. "Very good indeed." she said. "Has he told you how we first met?" he asked and leaned over the table a little. Ciri shook her head. "No. He's not especially chatty." Ciri said. I just watched them, ripping little pieces of the pheasant and eating them. Nivellen approved with her. "I'd like to hear, though." she said.

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