Chapter 29 - To become a Witcher -

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I opened the heavy doors to the building, the wind sweeping in and extinguishing a few candles near the entrance. "Evelyn, you're back." Vesemir greeted me as he rearranged the several teeth of draconid's teeth. "Yeah, went to pay Eskel a visit. We played Gwent." I said with a weak smile which Vesemir returned. "Better go and tell Lambert, you're back. He's worried." Vesemir stated and I frowned. 

"You were worried?" I asked with a teasing tone as I stood with crossed arms in the doorway of the room where he was currently pacing back and forth. "Of course, I was." he laughed and shrugged it off afterwards. "You're like a sister to me and, I know you can handle everything yourself, I could never step under Geralt's gaze again if something happened to you." he said with a small and yet teasing smile. I shook my head in amusement. "You're the brother I never had. Except I did. Two actually." I stated. "Ha!" he laughed.

"Tell me something about this Ciri." I demanded what caught him off guard. "We will have our introduction but it doesn't hurt to know a little about her, doesn't it?" he hummed in response.

3rd person pov

"Do you remember wasting your time battling sacks of straw, Coen?" Lambert asked loud enough for Ciri to hear, who was right now fighting a straw dummy. "Can't say I do." Coen answered while both of them watched Ciri continue to hit the dummy sloppily with her wooden sword. She panted and turned to face them. "What did you do, then?" she asked at what Lambert chuckled. "I don't think so." he said after looking at Coen, still the grin from his laughing on his lips. "Some things are far too scary for little girls." he mocked. 

"I'm not little, and I'm not afraid." she said with a deep frown. She was tired of being treated like a helpless girl. "That's easy to say. But our road is a dark one." Lambert said and drew his sword. "Full of dangers. Is that what you want?" Lambert asked, tilting his head a little. "I want to do what a Witcher does."  she said through gritted teeth. Lambert chuckled. He hadn't heard that in a long time. At this point, he didn't even know if she was alive. 

Lambert walked past her and swung his sword with a skilled motion through the straw dummy, cutting it in half. Straw falling from it and on the floor. Until Evelyn's return, it would be covered by snow again. Ciri looked between Lambert and the broken dummy that swung back and forth on ropes it was attached on. "Come on, then." 

Lambert and Coen led Ciri to the abandoned training grounds, that were last used when the two Witchers themselves were just boys. It was good to train balance and timing, something that you'd learn before knowing how to swing a sword. If you had no control over your body, you can't control a blade either.

"Afraid to break a nail, princess?" Lambert asked, making fun of her again. Ciri gave him a quick side glance then looked back on the training ground made out of wood. Lambert unhinged the rope and with small cracking and crashing the long wooden pillars started to swing back and forth. They had spikes around them and thick bags filled with rocks at the bottom. After that, a carousel of spikes followed. They turned in different patterns and the sound alone made it scary enough. 

Followed by that, there was a swinging wooden plank that swung back and forth and would lead to the end of the parkour then. "Give it a try." Lambert encouraged her. "Go on." he repeated but she still didn't move. After giving it a thought she walked forward and climbed the ladder up to where the parkour would start. "Are you sure about this?" Coen asked and stepped closer to Lambert while both of them watched Ciri. "I'm just having a little fun." Lambert answered and crossed his arms. "If Geralt finds out, he'll be mad and don't get me started on Evelyn." 

Evelyn's pov

I crossed my arms while giving him a challenging smile. "Go on. What happened then, lambert?" I asked and bed over to him a little. He chuckled nervously and scratched his neck. "You know I don't mean it, right?" he asked and raised his brows. "Of course, you don't." I said and scrunched my nose with a sarcastic smile. 

3rd person pov

Ciri took her first step on the wobbly plank and was now about to walk over it, trying to avoid the wooden pillars. She passed the first one but got hit by the second and landed in the snow with a heavy groan. She started to cough and turned to her side. The hit had pushed all of the air in her lungs out. It was like filling up a water skin with air, closing it and stepping on it. Not a great feeling. 

Lambert approached her, as she was still lying on the ground. "Still wanna be a Witcher?" he asked challenging but also with worry for her. He didn't want Ciri to get hurt by the cruel world, but he'd never admit that.

Evelyn's pov

"She was stubborn, I give her that." he chuckled. "He trained there for a few hours, every day. She wanted to prove something. To prove-" , "that a girl can do it too." I finished his sentence after which he nodded. "After she made it through the first obstacle she got immediately hit by the blade carousel." he said. I sighed. Too bad. "So stubborn. She was injured on her arm but insisted on going on. The only person more stubborn to become a Witcher... was you." he chuckled. "I already like her." I said and leaned back and crossed my arms. 

"As you should. She's your daughter now." Lambert said and I burst out in laughter. "Daughter? No. Child surprise, yes, but she's not Geralt and my daughter." I clarified. "By nature maybe not? But you claimed her and are now obliged to raise and protect her."

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