Chapter 47 - The Wild Hunt -

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With a strong yet shaking voice, Ciri managed to open a portal. It started to pull both Ciri and Yennefer in its direction. Geralt's and my immediate reaction to that was to grab both of them to stop them from being pulled any further. It didn't help. Instead, we as well got pulled with it. Within the blink of an eye, we were falling. It was over so quickly, or was it? At the same time, it was the longest fall one could imagine. The ground onto which we fell was hard - made out of rocks, The sky was orange and glowing, maybe burnt, dust particles flew around. 

The first one to be on his feet again was Geralt who was just as confused by his surroundings as the rest of us. Yennefer outstretched her arms and the sparks, which she took in earlier, started to emit from her. In a form of a small cloud, she flew into the distance of the unknown terrain we found ourselves in. "She's leaving." Geralt mumbled as he watched Voleth Meir fly away. 

 In the distance, dark silhouettes appeared and the ground rumbled underneath our feet. Sounded like hooves. The horses neighed and made their way towards us but there was no one riding the horses. I frowned and tried to figure out whether I was seeing this right or not - the dust of Voleth Meir made its way towards the armoured horses and formed horsemen on top of them with long spears and skeleton-like armour. "Child of the Elder Blood," starry-eyed Daughter of Chaos," a raspy voice echoed towards our way, becoming louder the closer they got.

"join our Hunt. Your place is among us." he finished his sentence. Yennefer, Geralt and I placed ourselves in a protecting manner towards Ciri as she watched the warriors come closer. "You are ours." they whispered. "Ciri!" Geralt shouted as they got dangerously close to us. She forced her eyes shut and with an intense amount of wind whooshing, she managed to get us back into the demolished hall of Kaer Morhen.

Yennefer was a little weak on her feet, seeing that she just lost a big amount of blood and was shortly a vessel for Voleth Meir. "Are you alright?" I asked her and attempted to steady her. "You're back." I heard Jaskier say in relief. He was quick at the other side to help steady Yennefer. The dark-haired mage nodded and released herself from us and walked over to Coen, perhaps to heal him. I nodded at Jaskeir to help the others as well. There weren't so many left who could receive help.

I sighed and looked around the room. As I turned, Gerlat was standing right in front of me. A shaky breath escaped my lips and my hands wandered, almost as if by themselves around Geralt's neck. "Are you alright?" he asked as his arms pressed themselves around my waist. I nodded into his shoulder. "Yes." He sighed in relief and his grip tightened around me. "We need to keep moving. The Wild Hunt. She's marked for something, and it doesn't end there." Geralt explained.

I pushed him out of the hug, so I could get a better look at him. "You're right. If mages and royals find out she's still alive, and what she's capable of..." I said and looked from his eyes to his lips and to the wound on the side of his head, the situation right now was just too much. "They won't stop coming for her."

It wasn't until late in the evening that the situation calmed down. Geralt was still in the main hall, seeing what damage was still to be repaired. In the meantime, Jaskier and I had helped the others tend their wounds. "That should be it." I said and stood up, after having helped Lambert bandage the wound on his waist. "Thanks, Eve." he said and pulled down the fresh blouse he was wearing. "Shouldn't you be with your freshly-wed husband?" he then asked with a smirk. "I see, it can't hurt that much if you're in the mood to joke again." I chuckled and made my way over to the door. "I'm never in enough pain to not tease you." he joined but then hissed in pain. I shook my head in amusement and made my way to where Geralt was supposed to be. 

"There you are." I heard Geralt say as I walked down the stairs. I looked over at him and saw him walking towards the staircase with a slight smile on his lips. "I was helping Lambert with his wound." I said and gestured behind me. He nodded and almost lifted me from the ground as I reached the bottom of the stairs. "That's not how I imagined us spending our first months freshly married." he mumbled into my hair. I agreed by shaking my head. "I thought we would spend the first two weeks only in bed." I grinned and placed a feather-like kiss on his cheekbone. 

"I really wish we could do that." Geralt sighed and placed his hand under my chin. "Me too." I agreed before he gently bent down to kiss me. It was just as gentle as the touch around my waist but demanding at the same time. As we broke the kiss, my gaze landed on Ciri. She was sitting with her legs dangling from the bridge. She was looking at us and then quickly turned away. Geralt followed my gaze only to take my hand and walk towards her.

"Every time I think I can move forward, there's this force bringing me back into darkness. I'm just tired, Geralt." Ciri started to speak as soon as we were next to her. I leaned against the stone wall of the bridge while Geralt squatted next to her. "I'm tired too, Ciri. But what of it?" he asked and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Life goes on. Us three, we'll help each other. What is destined cannot be avoided." he explained. "And it shouldn't be." I added.

"I believe I know what Voleth Meir wanted from you." Geralt said as he shifted his position to lean against the railing as well. "What?" Ciri asked and gave Geralt an expecting look. "She's been here since the Conjunction. We knew that. We've always assumed she was from another sphere." he explained. Ciri frowned. "Is that where I portalled us? Another sphere?" she asked. "Those monoliths that you shatter, the ones that pull new species of monster through every time you scream, those could be gateways to other spheres." Geralt explained in a calm manner.

"My scream woke Voleth Meir. That's why she wanted me." he nodded at her assumption. "She wanted to go home. You were the key to her future." Ciri looked surprised at that and looked between Geralt and me. "What I can't figure out though, is when did Nilfgaard realize that you were the key to theirs? They knew before anyone else. How do they know the truth about you, Ciri?" Geralt asked the young girl. 

"To be honest, I don't know."

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