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FREYA: I'm not letting you do this alone

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FREYA: I'm not letting you do this alone. You die,
I die, remember?

PETER: I cannot believe you're using our pact
from when we were eleven against me right now.


          Life for Freya Morgan has always been easy

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Life for Freya Morgan has always been easy. She was born into a wealthy family, she grew up being in the top ten of her class, and she had her best friend by her side no matter what.

Peter Parker and Freya Morgan have been inseparable since the third grade when Peter was being bullied at recess and Freya punched the bully in the face. They have been with each other through the good and the bad, and they promised each other they would always be best friends, even after death. But, as they grow up and begin high school, feelings begin to appear and both Freya and Peter find themselves hopelessly in love with each other, but refuse to ruin the perfect friendship they've had since elementary school.

        So, Freya Morgan's life was easy. There was nothing really horrible about it, besides trying to hide the fact she was in love with her best friend and the creepy lab that her parents owned. She never knew what they kept in the building, but she did know it was serious by the amount of government officials keeping guard of the building. However, Freya was a curious girl, and one night she managed to sneak into the building when the guards weren't looking. And Freya didn't expect that her parents owned a lab for experiments on people and animals, trying to create supernatural creatures.

Freya also didn't expect to be attacked and bitten by a cat trapped in the building either. And the next day, things began happening. She was able to move faster, hear better, she had more strength than she ever did, she was able to grow claws and fangs. Freya didn't know what was happening to her, until her father had to sit her down and tell her the cat bite gave her cat like powers — a supernatural creature if you will, the Morgan family's goal all along. And their daughter was the first human for it to work on.

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