𝟬𝟭𝟲. what becomes from curious minds

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chapter sixteen, what becomes from curious minds

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chapter sixteen, what becomes from curious minds


          By the time Freya had reached the center of the city, she was practically engulfed in crowds of people. She couldn't find Peter, or Spider-Man, anywhere. Plus, whoever or whatever was making them more alert seemed to be hidden in the crowds. However, the moment Freya stopped and began looking around, another chill was spent down her spine.

The familiar electric buzz filled her ear and her head turned, scanning the crowd until Freya was quick to recognize Maia forcing her way through the people swarming the sidewalk.

     "Maia!" Frey quickly called out, trying to keep her eyes on the girl so that she wouldn't lose her.

    After watching her tumble into an alleyway away from the people, Freya didn't mean to use as much of the super strength she possesses as she did, but it did seem to piss off some of the fellow New Yorkers trying to figure out what was going on.

    Freya ignored them and instead hurried to her friend, she entered the alleyway and saw Maia sitting on the ground with her back against the wall. Her hands were out and away from herself, electricity buzzing off of them, and her head was down. Freya cautiously approached her, not sure if Maia was causing the power to mess up or not.

    "Maia?" Freya asked more calmly, slowly making her way towards the girl step by step.

    That was when Maia glanced up, her usual brown hues now replaced with bright yellow. It caught Freya off guard, but Maia quickly spoke up to prove that whatever was happening wasn't her. "I don't know what's happening. I was just going home and I felt this other energy." Maia explained as Freya dropped to her side.

    Freya's eyebrows furrowed. "Other energy?" She questioned.

Maia shook her head like she was scared, terrified, of what she was feeling. "There's someone else here." Maia whispered, wincing as a bolt shot off her hand and startled Freya.

    After those words left Maia's mouth, the rippling sound of static and electricity came from out of the alleyway followed by the loud sound of some sort of vehicle crashing, and Freya looked behind her to see people running by. A bad feeling erupted inside of Freya and while watching everyone run, she reached into the back pocket of her jeans to take out her phone.

    She quickly dialed the first number that popped into her head, one of the few numbers she had memorized, and held the phone to her ear. The ringing didn't go on for long — "I told you I could've given you a ride home, but you wanted to go off with your boy–"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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