𝟬𝟭𝟬. fine, make me your villain

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chapter ten, fine, make me your villain

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chapter ten, fine, make me your villain

tw: abuse, mentions of abuse, gore (?)

It didn't take long for Freya to reach Oscorp, but by the time she did, everything seemed to have gotten worse. Cop cars filled the streets outside of the building, and Freya didn't even bother to wear the mask anymore, because it was already known that she was Black Cat. As she approached the doors of Oscorp, she was quick to notice Maia and Gwen standing by one of the police cars.

"Hey," Freya called out, approaching the two girls, and they both looked at her.

"Oh my god, you weren't lying when you said she was Black Cat." Gwen muttered as the blonde eyed Freya up and down.

"Is Spider-Man here?" The girl in the leather suit questioned.

"Yes, and Captain Stacy just went up there. What happened?" Maia sounded frantic, her words dripping with worry for her friend.

A frustrated sigh left Freya's mouth, "He ripped my mask off and ran off, then Gabby called me and told me my dad was here and that Spider-Man attacked him." She explained, watching as Gwen covered her mouth and Maia's eyebrows raised.

Gwen's eyes then littered up at the very top of Oscorp, her finger pointing towards the sky, "You might want to hurry." Gwen muttered, and the two other girls looked up to see Spider-Man and the Lizard fighting.

"I'll be back." Freya said through gritted teeth, not taking her eyes off of the sight above her as she took off into the front doors of Oscorp.

She had no idea what level her dad was trapped on, and Freya had already gotten up a good amount of stairs until she heard her name being called. Her head turned to see Drew down one of the long corridors, and Freya exited off of the stairs and made her way to the end of the hall where her brother stood.

"Where is he?" Freya asked once she got closer to her brother, and Drew motioned her to follow him, leading her into a lab room.

And when she entered the room, her father was stuck in the wall with webbing, bruises and cuts tainting his face as he seemed to be slipping in and out of consciousness. Gabby stood near him, tears running down her face as she looked back at her siblings entering the room and heading over to her and their father.

          The lights were flickering and Freya examined the webbing that was attached to her father's wrists and feet, quickly using her claws to tear the webbing off of him. His body was weak, and Freya was quick to catch him, helping him to the floor where his eyes opened to see all three of the kids surrounding him and looking at him.

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