𝟬𝟬𝟮. curiosity killed the cat

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chapter two, curiosity killed the cat

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chapter two, curiosity killed the cat


         As much as Freya wanted to be upset right now, she couldn't be. It wasn't like Peter knew she was in love with him, because how are you supposed to tell your best friend since you were kids that you're in love with him? As far as she knew, he didn't feel the same way, and she wasn't going to embarrass herself by confessing her feelings to the only friend she pretty much has.

        They had stayed on the phone together the majority of the night, and Freya would soon regret that, because she had to be up early for the internship her parents were forcing her to go to. Her parents were close acquaintances with Dr. Curt Connors, so it wasn't a shocker that they have been interning with him. All Freya knew was that they bonded over what Connors works on and what her parents work on in their labs.

Freya hasn't been given the luxury of knowing what her parents do for a living, none of the Morgan siblings have, but Freya wanted to know. It just made her curious about what's inside that she and her siblings can't know about.

         After she was done getting ready and left her room, she made her way into the large living room where Gabby was on the couch, and Drew seemed to be impatiently waiting for Freya. "I see mom and dad never came back." Freya acknowledged, swerving to go into the kitchen.

         "No, but if we're late to this thing, they'll kill us and I don't know about you but I want to live. So, hurry up, Freya." Drew called out from the living room to his sister that was currently in the kitchen looking through the fridge.

         "They'll kill you guys. Not me." Gabby corrected her brother, earning a laugh from Freya which the other two heard.

        Drew rolled his eyes, pushing himself off the couch, and walked into the kitchen where he saw Freya just standing in front of the fridge, as if she was taking her sweet time. "Seriously, Freya? It's not funny, let's go." Drew sternly said, walking over to slam the fridge doors shut.

        Freya looked up at her brother and gave him a look to clearly tell him that she was annoyed by him, but Drew didn't seem to care. He grabbed ahold of his sister by her lower arm and began dragging her towards the front door, "Wait, I don't even have my phone!" Freya raised her voice, but Drew still didn't care.

"You'll be fine without it," was all her brother said. They made their way to the elevator where they got to the apartment lobby, Drew's car was outside waiting for him already and Freya followed behind her brother with a look on her face that let everyone know she was annoyed right now.

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