𝟬𝟬𝟱. spider meet cat

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chapter five, spider meet cat

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chapter five, spider meet cat


Over the next few days, Freya felt like she has been all over the place. The other day was her last day being tested at her parent's lab, but she was also struggling to help out at the Parker household while simultaneously trying to go to school. Not to mention in her free time she would lock herself in her room to try out all of the abilities she was given with the cat bite.

And within these past few days, there was also the rise of a masked vigilante who people were calling Spider-Man. After a video got sent around the entire city of the unknown person catching a criminal in layers of webs then escaping by crawling along one of New York's skyscrapers, Spider-Man felt like the most fitting name.

And with the disappearance of Mason Renner, people were starting to wonder whether or not this Spider-Man was responsible.

Freya was currently sitting on the couch in the large living room of their apartment, watching the news on the television of all the rumors spiraling about whoever this masked vigilante was. The sun was beginning to set outside, causing the living room to be engulfed by rays of orange and yellows. Freya was too into what the news reporters were saying about the unknown vigilante that she didn't even realize her siblings enter the house.

        "Freya!" Gabby smiled as she noticed her older sister was already home, the girl zipping past Drew and into the living room, jumping over the couch to sit next to Freya.

         Freya snapped out of her trance that the news put her in to look over, smiling at her little sister, "Hey." She greeted Gabby, seeing Drew wander into the living room.

        "Why are you watching the news?" Drew furrowed his eyebrows as he tossed his car keys on the counter that divided the living room from the kitchen.

        Freya shrugged, "The news. Have you heard about this guy called Spider-Man? Apparently he's some guy in a mask that's been catching all of these criminals around the city." She explained as the video of him popped up on the television screen.

         The three siblings watched the video before Drew spoke up, "So.. a criminal catching criminals?" He rhetorically asked.

         "He's the hot topic at my school. He's kinda cool if you ask me. I mean, catching guys with spider webs? It's awesome!" Gabby smiled, looking between her two older siblings.

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