𝟬𝟬𝟯. strange behavior

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chapter three, strange behavior

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chapter three, strange behavior


Freya didn't sleep at all. She had a migraine that felt like it was going to make her head explode, and her skin was hot and sweaty, it felt as if she was going to burst into flames all night. It all started after she got home from being attacked by the cat, and she couldn't even call Peter to tell him because of the amount of pain she was in. So, Freya was currently laying in her bed with a killer headache. She just assumed it was a cold, but it felt like she was practically dying.

        Everything sounded like it was right next to her. The traffic outside sounded like she was standing right in the middle of it, she could hear Gabby's voice from the room next to hers, and she could hear her parents coming through the front door. Her eyes squeezed shut, hoping that these noises in her head would just go away, but they didn't.

        The sound of the traffic, her sister's voice, the sound of her parent's footsteps all became too much. Freya let out a silent cry at the pain, burying her face in the pillow, and as much as she didn't want to, she found herself pushing herself out of her bed. Maybe if she just took medicine, she would feel better. She winced with every move she made, because it just made her ears more sensitive to all of the noises surrounding her.

"Dad?" Freya called out as she pulled open her door and stepped out of her room, "Dad?" She repeated, but louder.

        Russell Morgan appeared from around the corner with furrowed eyebrows, "Freya, what's wrong?" He asked once he saw the state of pain his daughter seemed to be in.

       Freya held onto the wall as she continued to walk until she nearly collapsed, but her father caught her just in time and helped walk her over to the couch where Freya fell back onto it. "I don't.. I don't know." She said to him, seeing the rest of her family flood into the living room at the commotion.

       "You look like shit," Drew joked, but received a harsh look from Freya.

        "Do you need —" Her mother started to speak, but was cut off by Freya suddenly letting out a painful yelp as she looked down at her hand, the sight of claws replacing her fingernails causing her eyes to go wide — just like everyone else's in the room.

       Her father sat next to her in shock, but then he turned his head to share a look with his wife before turning back to Freya, "What did you do, Freya?" His voice was laced with worry, yet it still sounded strict.

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