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prologue, two kids in love

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prologue, two kids in love


Three Years Ago

            Freya Morgan never had the best relationship with her family, but when you're the middle child, it should be expected that you won't get the same treatment as your siblings. Of course, her family cared for her, but that didn't mean all of their days were full of happiness and sunshine. The Morgan family liked to pose as this picture-perfect and wealthy family, but behind closed doors, they showed the sides of themselves that they didn't want the rest of the city to see. Maybe the fights were because Freya was becoming a teenager and she had that reckless behavior every teenager has, or maybe she was indeed the least favorite of the Morgan siblings.

Either way, Freya always got into fights with her family. Her mother specifically, and not fights as in simply yelling at each other, fights as in vases would be thrown across the room and hurtful words would be exchanged. And that was what happened just now — Lori Morgan and her oldest daughter got into a bad verbal fight that resulted in a case being thrown from across the living room, smashing against the wall next to Freya, giving a cut right on her cheek.

       Freya knew her mother never meant to intentionally hurt her, but when you're consumed with so much anger, it makes you do unthinkable things. So, when her mother just stared at her bleeding daughter, there was nothing Lori could do besides walk away before any more hurtful things were said to the fourteen-year-old girl. The entire city probably heard the things Lori screamed at her daughter, but the woman didn't care —— she was angry with her daughter.

As Freya watched her mother storm off, she could only do the same, but in the opposite direction. Pain was radiating off of Freya as she breezed through the gigantic apartment the family lived in, courtesy of their family's wealth. She had tears in her eyes that blurred her vision, but she blinked them away and felt the salty water roll down her cheeks.

"Freya? Are you okay?" The youngest Morgan sibling spoke, causing Freya to stop her movements and look over to see Gabby standing in the doorway to her room.

"I'm fine." Freya lied, not bothering to wipe the tears and blood off of her cheek as she looked at her younger sister.

Gabby shook her head, "No you're not." She said to the crying girl, going to take a step forward, but Freya took a step back.

"Gabby, I'm fine. I just want to be left alone, okay?" The older girl asked, receiving a nod from Gabby who watched as her older sister continued to walk away until she disappeared into her room.

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