𝟬𝟬𝟭. us against the world

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chapter one, us against the world

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chapter one, us against the world


         Despite Freya always saying she wasn't a morning person, she always found herself waking up earlier than she should. She had a genuine fear of sleeping late and missing everything, which explains why she was ready to go every morning before it was even time to leave for school. So, when she got the text from Peter that he was waiting for her, she was out of the door within seconds. Freya never bothered to wait for her siblings, because she knew they would never bother to wait for her if the roles were reversed.

       She made her way down to the apartment lobby, saying her goodbyes to the workers who greeted her before she exited through the glass doors. When she walked out into the warm New York air, she looked around until her eyes landed on Peter who sat on one of the benches outside. Freya smiled at the sight of her best friend and made her way over to him, but he caught a glance at her and his head looked up, Peter couldn't help but smile as well and he stood up from the bench.

"Hey, you ready?" Peter asked, receiving a nod from Freya. As she began walking, Freya watched as the boy dropped the skateboard from his hands onto the ground and he placed one foot on the board, lightly kicking off the ground with the either so he could be at the same pace as Freya.

       It wasn't much of a walking distance from Freya's home to Midtown, which the girl was thankful for because she would never be late to school. As they made their way to the campus, Peter and Freya just shared how their nights went —— nothing interesting happening for either of the two, which is how most of their nights turn out to be.

"Yeah, I didn't really do much, I kind of just spent the entire night hanging out with May." Peter spoke as the two crossed the street that led them to the campus of their school.

"You seriously need friends who aren't May." Freya joked, a playful smile on her face as Peter let out a gasp, acting as if the words she said shot him in the heart.

"Is this you saying we aren't friends? You really know how to break a boy's heart, Rey," Peter joked as well as they approached the front doors of the school, the boy stepping off the skateboard and flipped it up to hold it in his hands, opening the door to allow Freya to go inside first.

"Oh, I mean — we are friends. Best friends. Right?" Freya suddenly became flustered, the words he spoke throwing her train of thought off. She felt like she had just got friend-zoned hard, but Peter had no idea she had feelings for him, and she doesn't think she would ever tell him.

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