𝟬𝟭𝟭. you don't have to fight alone

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chapter eleven, you don't have to fight alone

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chapter eleven, you don't have to fight alone


         It had been three days since the incident. After spending half of her morning at Captain Stacy's funeral and being there for Gwen, she had to go to her mother's funeral, and hearing that her cause of death was covered up as some heroic tragedy, Freya wasn't sure what she was supposed to feel. How even are you supposed to feel after killing your own mother? It wasn't like she could just google it and find a youtube tutorial. Was she supposed to feel guilty? Proud? Angry? Freya had no idea what to feel, but she sure did feel a lot currently.

        Russell told the press that his wife died at the hands of Dr. Connors, who was the one behind the entire lizard situation. Everyone believed him too, and while almost everyone showed up for both Captain Stacy and Lori Morgan's funeral, Peter was nowhere to be found. Ever since the night they both found out the truth, it was like they were avoiding each other at all costs. And Freya was convinced Peter didn't want anything to do with her anymore.

         Despite her family and friends' reassurance that it would all be okay, she was struggling to believe that. She killed her mother out of her own hatred and selfishness, and no matter how many times she's told it was the right thing, Freya felt sick to her stomach every time she closed her eyes and replayed the scenario in her mind.

She currently lay in her bed, tears streaming down her face as she hid under the covers in hopes the rest of the world just disappeared. All of the feelings that she felt finally got to her, and she tried to keep herself quiet, but there was a faint knock on the door before the door opened. "Freya?" Gabby's fragile voice spoke, "Um.. Drew made those sugar cookies you really like," She told the girl hidden underneath her silk covers.

         "Okay," was all Freya said through her quiet sobs, and Gabby waited at the door but once she realized Freya wasn't going to get out of her bed.

          Freya heard the door shut, and the tears continued rolling down her cheeks. Her heart was aching, and there was a horrible feeling in her stomach as she cried, and she couldn't pinpoint what was causing her to feel this way. She wanted to remove the covers from over her head and grab her phone, and call Peter, or Maia, or Gwen, or hell, even Mason. Someone, but she couldn't. She couldn't bring herself to face reality with all of the guilt that was eating away at her.

           Her hand came up to wipe the tears away that stained her cheeks, and she tried the steady her breathing. How could she possibly mess everything up for her so fast? And all the blame fell back onto her, because if she just hadn't broken into her parent's lab, then none of this would have happened and Freya wouldn't be wishing she would have died that night as well.

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