𝟬𝟬𝟳. are we too young for this?

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chapter seven, are we too young for this?

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chapter seven, are we too young for this?

trigger warning: abuse


The air was warm, but the wind blew cold as Freya made her way through the darkness of the city, her suit helped her blend right into the night as the anger in her veins drove her to locate Spider-Man. She shouldn't be this angry, honestly, she didn't know if she had the right to be this angry. Freya also didn't know what came over her to even ask Peter if he was going to kiss her or not. She had this feeling coursing through her and she couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly — confidence, anger, confusion, violence. A mix of everything.

          She had gotten to the Williamsburg Bridge just as chaos had erupted, and Freya wasn't sure if this scene was meant for her or not. People were scattering all across the bridge, running all over the place and as she approached the bridge, no one even seemed to be bothered by the fact that there was someone dressed in a skin-tight leather catsuit. Her eyes scanned the sky, only for her gaze to land on Spider-Man swinging through the air.

The sight of him was enough for the anger inside of her to cause her claws to replace her fingernails. The girl watched closely as Spider-Man landed on the bridge, only for a gigantic lizard to come into Freya's view, and it caught her off guard, and it actually scared her. She was frozen in her spot, only to feel herself get knocked to the ground by someone and when Freya looked at her who was responsible, she was met with glowing eyes and an angry face.


The boy pushed himself off of the masked girl, having no idea that it was Freya underneath, and she pushed herself off of the cement to see that Mason had claws forming from his hands as well. She was trying to make sense of what her parents did to him at that moment, but someone that recognized Mason and saw him like this just seemed to anger him more.

"I don't know who you are, or how you know me, but if you tell anyone —"

Mason's words were cut off by the bridge shaking suddenly at the feeling of cars being thrown off of the bridge. Freya looked past Mason only to see that Spider-Man and the lizard had now vanished, and there were still people frantically running for their lives off of the bridge.

"Wait," Mason then spoke, his eyes going back to his brown hues and his fingernails were now where his claws just were. "Who are you?" He asked, trying his best to recognize the girl from her eyes and mouth that were exposed due to her mask only covering about ninety percent of her face.

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