𝟬𝟬𝟰. the only friend i need

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chapter four, the only friend i need

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chapter four, the only friend i need


         After spending what felt like hours trapped in a room at her parent's lab ( against her own will ), Freya was finally released back into the normal world. She wasn't able to see the entirety of the lab like she thought she was going to, she spent nearly three hours hooked up to monitors and having random people trigger her claws and fangs. They also tested her strength, hearing, and speed. They were basically comparing her to the cat that bit her, and from what Freya could understand, both she and the cat acted identical.

And despite her pleads to just tell Peter about what's going on, her parents still refused to let the boy know anything about it. Freya was the first person their experiments have worked on for the past few years, or at least the first person to live to see the powers form. Their excuse was that they didn't want to make it public until they were certain it would work on others.

As Freya left the lab and passed by locked rooms labeled as classified, she began to wonder if they started working on other people yet or not.

By the time she was allowed out from the lab, the sun was fully set and she had to endure the walk home in the dark. If Peter knew about this, he'd probably yell at her and run all the way over just to make sure Freya got home safe, but Freya hasn't heard from him all day. Not since they talked after the incident at school. She had sent him a quick text before she got pulled into the room to be tested in, but when Freya got out, she never got a text back. Freya just assumed he was tied up with family business, just like she was.

        Freya continued her walk until she neared the street her apartment complex was on, the streets just as busy as they were during the day. The only thing on her mind was the new abilities she had and she wondered what her life would consist of now that she has them. Is she going to just be some lab rat for her parents? Will they eventually go away? Will these powers end up killing her at some point?

        She didn't get to ponder too much on the thought, because there was a sudden ringing in her ears that caused her to stop moving on the sidewalk. The innocent New York residents had to move around the girl who just stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. Freya expected her hearing to focus on some random conversation, but it didn't. Instead, she started hearing what sounded like electricity. It was some sort of buzzing — why would her hearing focus on buzzing?

       That was when she got the sudden instinct to follow the noise. Freya turned around and he feet began moving, and she had no idea where she was going, she just let her feet move. She knew she was getting closer to whatever the buzzing was coming from when it started to get louder and Freya winced at the sound filling her ears. It didn't take longer than a few minutes for Freya to stumble upon a street that was practically abandoned and didn't have anyone walking along it.

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