𝟬𝟬𝟲. the almost kiss

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chapter six, the almost kiss

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chapter six, the almost kiss


         "You guys think I'm joking, but my dad was there!" Gwen pouted as she walked through the halls with Freya and Maia, "There was Spider-Man and a girl in a catsuit."

Freya's breath hitched in her throat and she immediately felt Maia's eyes burning through her, Freya looked over and saw Maia was looking at her. Freya's eyes then shifted over to Gwen, "No, I believe you, Gwen. All of this is just.. weird." Freya shrugged.

"Does your dad know who they are?" Maia asked the blonde who walked on the other side of Freya.

Gwen shook her head, "No, but he wants to find out. I don't know, I just overheard him talking on the phone about it. He's more determined to figure out Spider-Man." She sighed.

Freya raised her eyebrows as she stayed quiet, she didn't really know what to say about the topic without hinting at the fact that she was the girl in the catsuit. She didn't really care who was under the Spider-Man mask, she assumed it was just some nobody that was bored with their life. Freya let out a sigh as the three girls came to a stop when they reached Freya's locker, who needed to grab textbooks that were buried in her locker.

She tuned out the conversation that Maia and Gwen were still having about the Spider-Man and the girl in the catsuit, she was focused on putting in the combination to her locker. When Freya heard the locker click open, she went to go pull the metal handle to open the locker completely — then her ears began ringing. Freya closed her eyes and winced at the loud sound at the sudden noise of millions of voices in her head until her hearing focused on what it was trying to do all along.

There was a loud crash, followed by a familiar voice, "I said get the hell out of my way." The voice spoke.

"Dude, all I asked was where you've been." That was Drew's voice.

Her eyes shot open as she looked down the hall, just like everyone else, and there stood Mason Renner with Drew Morgan pushed up against the wall. Freya noticed Gwen give her a look, like she was expecting Freya to go do something, and that was when Freya quickly grabbed the textbook she needed before going to walk towards the boys.

"Um, excuse me? I know my brother isn't the world's best person, but what the hell is going on?" Freya approached them, and she could see Mason's chest was heaving up and down out of anger, and he completely ignored the girl's words.

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