Chapter 15

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She was really sorry. From the bottom of her heart, she was. Jack loved her and she loved him back. Why couldn't it be simple? Simple. That word repeated in her over and over again. No one could replace him. Nothing. Then, why was she even doing this? She doesn't want it. Well, it was for her sister and subjects.

"Jack...I'm sorry," Elsa wept. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She made a sharply, looking icicle. The pain wouldn't stop. It wouldn't stop at all. "Arrgh!" She thought she did it, but it only a made cut on her neck.

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! "Is everything all right in there, my queen?" It sounded really deep. So, it must be one of her new guards.

"Yes. I'm fine. Just keep guard," she ordered. He heard him nod.

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Little does she know, that he was, secretly, the guard. Well...he could never be a guardian. What makes him think that? Oh yeah! Elsa. This was all for Snowflake. He couldn't wait for her to awoke and open the door, seeing a "guard" in front of her. He imagined himself saying, "Do I need of any assistance?"

He was all drowned in his thoughts, as he slept into a deep sleep.


"Fine, fine. Just...5 more minutes!" Jack shouldn't have done that because he regretted doing so. She literally put that gong in his ears! "Arrgh! Fine! I'm up!"

"Newcomers address me, when after saying something, as 'my queen.' Is that understood, newbie?" She said to him. Woah. She had changed a lot.

"Yes, my queen."

She started to walk away, but turned. "Well don't just stand there! Walk along with me! Jeez. Newcomers." Wow. Elsa was still herself.

Up close, at the ball last night, she was different, in some way. But it wasn't her. It wasn't her at all, seeing her in front of him. She was somehow matured, ladylike and all hard working and deadlines, when he's just all fun times.

He needed to win her back. Pronto! Jack would do anything to keep her alive. (He knew the evil prince's plan. That prince she danced with last night! He was going to take over her kingdom! She had to know this).

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She knew that it was just him in disguise. (His hair was sticking out of his helmet). So, this was how it was going to be. Jack and her would be, awkwardly, together, but somehow she must tell him, right? The secret must be told, before it was too late. But, for now, let's just keep it hidden.

While on a pathway to the public town, she tried not to get distracted by him. He was always fidgeting about. Oh! Seriously, Jack.

At the back garden, with the cute, baby, yellow ducklings (and their mother), she had to organised it, along with Jack. She wanted to help her subjects because she didn't want them to do all the work. It was her duty.

"Guard! Help me here!" Elsa ordered to him. "Seriously, hurry up!"

"Coming, my queen."

"Here," she handed him a small shovel. "Dig there." She said, pointing towards a patch of green grass. She was planning to plant more daisies there.

While she was gardening on her side, someone tapped her shoulder. Elsa felt that warm feeling, again. It was him. Her eyes stared at his baby, blue eyes. Well, she didn't know exactly what his eye colour. It was always changing, but if you look straight, you'll see a snowflake.

"Tulips? My queen?" Jack questioned. He knew these were her favourites.

"Thank you..." She thanked. Elsa couldn't help but whispered in his ear. "I know it's you, Jack."

She backed away from him. His eyes widened. Hah! His face! It was priceless! Elsa tried not to burst out, laughing or she'll look like a red tomato in front him!

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Damn it! She knew all along? Well played, Elsa. Well played. But will she know his perfectly, perfect plan? He was going to invite Anna, Kristoff, Rapunzel, Flynn and everybody else to Arendelle. It was going to be a surprise, but she cut in by saying:

"Get me my butler because I need to talk to him about the masquerade ball next week."

"Sure, my queen." He loved saying that. It felt honoured to.

As he was getting her butler, he thought of many reasons to make her smile, again. Plus, why hasn't he told her yet? That prince made him...jealous. He meant fine. He wasn't THAT jealous. Was he?

"I still get jealous," Jack sang quietly to himself. Wait, what?

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Back at the castle, she was chatting to Quinzon (her butler). The discussion was also about her marriage to royal blood. He said to her that she would had to find a prince fit for the throne sooner or later.

"But...what if I can't?" She asked. "Can't I just rule myself?"

"Your people wants a king. Well, just for backup..." Quinzon replied. "You know, I think that Prince Hans guy isn't a bad one."

"Quinz. I-I just can't!"

"You still love him, don't you?"

"Y-yes. I still do." She hoped he wasn't overhearing this outside her study.

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Yes! He did a silent victory. Wait, Frost. Stick to the plan! Oh my Frost! She still loves her! Wahoo!

hello! YAS! Updated! Yeah! A chapter without tissues! XD See ya next chappie! (It gets better). XD XD

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