With You

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"Konan..." He stressed the A and dragged it out, pinning me down. I had no problem with this as I leaned up to make our lips collide. He leaned back, teasing me and smirking at my frustration.

"Just kiss me!" I told him with a glare.

"Not yet," he leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to my cheek, I couldn't take this. I leaned up and, thankfully, he didn't lean away. Our lips met in a passion.

And I woke up. My cheeks blazing and my heart racing as I recalled everything from my dream. It was a warm, cloudy day and the sun was shining into my room. I looked around, certain that there were no boys in my room, and collapsed back on the bed. I keep having these dreams...

I patted my cheeks gently, hoping the blush would go down soon. I sat up, and got out of bed, doing my regular morning hand-signs and let Ameonna out. She faded into view, the sound of rain also starting. She took one look at me and laughed.

"More dreams?"

I nodded sheepishly and put my head down. I hated it being so obvious. "Well, ready to go grocery shopping?" I asked her. Saturday was our shopping day.

She nodded, eager to get out and and enjoy the rain. I got up, yawning and stretching. Ameonna grabbed my clothes from the dryer downstairs and rushed me to get dressed.

Sitting at the table, I let Ameonna do y hair while I sat and folded an origami flower. "You're really good at origami, Konan," she told me as I finished it. I nodded, handing it to her to put in my hair. "All set?" she asked as I tied my headband on my forehead. With the close of a door, we were out of the house and our shopping trip had begun.


"Ameonna," I whined as I carried a bucket of apples and she had only the couple bags of rice and a bag of other small things.

"Yes?" she asked, smiling as she looked back at me. I sighed and continued on. We had a few more stops before we could go home. Walking down the market streets, I noticed something.

Looking on down the road, I smiled and called out, "Sasuke-kun!"

He turned, his eyes scanning over who had called for him, his eyes catching mine as he gave a little half-smile. "Hey, Konan," he called back, walking over to me. Looking at my bucket, he suggested, "want me to carry it?"

I practically threw it at him, his face lighting up in surprised as I laughed guiltily and apologized. "Hah yeah.. Sorry... It's really heavy and Ame-" before I finished I realized Ameonna was no where in sight. I growled in frustration. "Ameonna!"

There was no answer. "Ameonna, I'm serious we need to keep shopping," I called louder into the crowd, but she didn't jump out or anything and scare me. I looked back at Sasuke and he shrugged. I was starting to get worried. Ameonna didn't just run off, she was an adult, maybe careless, but she understood the dangers of the real world.

"Let's drop these off at your house and search for her," Sasuke suggested. I nodded, walking quickly back to my house and setting the bucket of apples and the couple bags I had on the table, grabbing my coat on the way out and started running with Sasuke to find Ameonna. The wind as picking up, as had the rain, which was a sign that wherever she was, she wasn't happy.

"Konan," I heard Kurama murmur from my mind.

His eerie voice made me jump, "what?" I accidentally said aloud.

Sasuke looked at me curiously, "what?"

This confused me until I realized I had spoken aloud. "Oh, no, Kurama called for me."

"Kurama?" he asked until he answered his own question a second later, "nine-tails," he confirmed as I nodded.

"Ameonna is at the training field, Konan," Kurama continued.

It was a good thing, because that's where we were headed. Picking up speed, we hurried to the field. I couldn't help but not noticed the sun shining through the clouds and the rain starting to lighten until it was just a dull mist.

As we reached the field, I first noticed Ameonna, her body just barely visible. "Ameonna!" I shrieked, doing the hand signs as fast as I ever have to seal her back away with Kurama just before the sword struck her through her heart.

The masked man, pulled the sword from the ground, his body language looked displeased. "Who are you?" Sasuke yelled, his voice cold. The man said nothing, but he shoved his sword back in its holster behind him on his back and put his arms back at his side. "Answer me now!"

"I am Madara Uchiha," the man said, no emotion in his voice whatsoever. Sasuke choked a little at the surname.

"U-Uchiha?" he asked skeptically, the man nodded. "How?" I wondered this too, but now was not the time for talking.

I felt my chakra flow out in a steady trickle, I folded quickly and threw a paper bomb attached to a shuriken. "How about we finish this family reunion at your funeral, Madara?"

My aim was never terrible by any means. I had practiced and practiced for hours when I was younger to please Kurama and Ameonna. I had become a good aim when it came to shuriken. I also knew for a fact that the range of wind speed was not affecting my shuriken as I threw it as I had taken those into consideration. But for some reason, I missed.

The shuriken imploded behind him on a tree.

"Wh-what?" I stammered, confused. "How did I-I-"

"Konan, duck!"

It took my brain to process this order but I did, just in time to dodge a shuriken aimed for my heart. Madara's aim was perfect, I could tell. As I watched it, in a shocked state, I hadn't noticed or heard him closing the distance and kicked me hard in the stomach, kneeing me up in the air. I coughed hard and saw spots of blood and stars.

He pulled out a kunai and I awaited the killing blow.

That didn't come. I heard the clash of metal against metal and my body hit the ground. Struggling, I stood, preparing another bomb. Sasuke kept him off as I aimed perfectly for his head. I threw it.

I saw him look at it, and I smirked, waiting to see his face explode. Instead, I saw the air and space warp around his eye and the kunai disappeared into his eye. The eye I thought I had destroyed. Hadn't I stabbed it? As I looked closer, I swore I saw a small scar on his eye. An implantation scar.

He had implanted another eye into the one I had destroyed.

He chuckled, covering his eye and jumping back onto the tree above, Sasuke lunged to stab him but missed. "You almost got me there, Konan," he told me, amused.

"Maybe you should give me another shot and I'll get you for sure next time," I snapped.

"Maybe next time," and with that, he just vanished.

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