So Long

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I awoke. No sounds in the house, the sun was hiding behind the clouds, and no one was up for me. Ameonna was still gone. She was just sleeping, everyone told me, she'll be up in no time. But watching her asleep in the next room unsealed made me think different. There was a light mist outside, but it was only expected.

I got dress and fixed my hair up with a flower in it, grabbed my bag and fastened it around my waist and walked out of the door. The mist didn't bother me today. A small sliver of sun ran across the side walk, across my head and I looked up, wondering why it suddenly appeared. The clouds were back in front of the sun.

I dismissed it, the Hokage's faces catching my eye. I studied them. The Fourth Hokage... The man who sealed Kurama and Ameonna in me.. The previous Jinchuriki was his wife, Kushina. Just as I looked down, I saw movement on the mountain. I quickly jerked my head back up, but saw nothing.

I decided I was jumpy today.

Reaching the training ground next to the forest, I seen that everyone else was already here. "Sorry," I apologized for being late.

Kakashi nodded and started talking, "We are going on a mission today. This one means going out of Konaha. To a nearby village or two. That means I'll need you three to pack a bag of things for an overnight stay."

This lightened my mood a little, "we are leaving the village?" all three of us asked at once. Kakashi nodded.

"Now go get you bag ready. And remember, you're carrying that bag, so pack only the essentials," he warned, "dismissed."

With that, we all flitted up to the trees and ran across the branches to our house to pack. Arriving at my home, I grabbed a backpack and started pacing around the room to grab things. "Tooth brush and paste... First aid kit... Spare clothes...."

As I filled the bag with a few snacks and money, I zipped it up and started to walk outside when I decided to take Ameonna with me. I did the hand signs and felt the cold seep into the seal. Stepping out and flitting to the tree above my house, I started back for the training field.

I stood directly above Kakashi, he seemed unaware of this. I then noticed the two silver bells he used to train us with. Eyeing them, I lunged with incredible speed.

And hit the ground with incredible force.

I yelped, rubbing everywhere, my body hurt. Kakashi only laughed and lectured me about perfect timing. I was too excited. I wanted to leave now. I often thought about leaving the village, but always decided not to. Just as I sat up and grabbed my pack, slinging it over my shoulder, Nagato and Sasuke came barreling into the field, breathing heavy and pointing rapidly behind them.

"What? Spit it out, both of you," Kakashi demanded.

"I-it's the village! We're b-being ambushed! The Sound Village! Thee Third is battling Orochimaru!" Nagato finished quickly in a gulp. We heard sirens in the distance and knew it was all true.

"Kakashi-Sensei..." I started to ask him something but stopped when a handful of shuriken came whizzing by. I yelped and ducked one. Nagato spun quickly, throwing some back in the general direction they were thrown in.

Kakashi stood beside me, perfectly still. "Kakashi aren't you going o do something?" Sasuke demanded, beside Nagato in a battle stance.

"No need," I heard his say, stepping out from the bush to our right, an enemy held in a headlock. I gaped. How had he done that? He was just beside me! I looked up at the Kakashi by my side and saw a puff of smoke before a block of wooden tumbled to the ground. Substitution Jutsu.

"Now-" he started to say before Sasuke pulled out a kunai from his pack, stepping up by Kakashi, and slitting the enemy's throat. I had never seen anyone's life slip away from them, or watch their eyes roll back in their head and their body going limp and crumbling to the ground. I had never seen anyone brutally murdered before.

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