The Start Of It All

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-Protagonist pov-

You see nothing but the abyss with nothing but your thoughts to keep you company. You dont know how long you have been in that place but you do know how you got there. As you were talking to yourself you hear a faint voice saying something but you cant make anything out of it so you try to go near the voice and you still dont make anything out of it then you woke up with the blue sky to welcome you back.

"ֹ|~'Ʀ*!($" you looked towards the sound and saw a dragon and being coming towards you changing its form.

And then the being said "*&%$^#~¶×'|•∆π%" "I'm sorry what?!" you said as you looked at it confused about what it said

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And then the being said "*&%$^#~¶×'|•∆π%" "I'm sorry what?!" you said as you looked at it confused about what it said.

"Whoops! Sorry about that forgot you dont speak the native language here. Hehehe my mistake. Let me start all over again, I'm the God of this world" The God said

You looked at the god for a moment observing him because you feel as if you somehow know him or saw him in your life then it hit you like truck-chan "Your the god from Yakusoku No Neverland!"

The God nod his head confirming your answer and said "I see you know who I am so I will ask you a question and then go from there is that alright?"

"Sure" I answered not sure what was going on.

"Okay. Do you know who you are and what happened to you? And please explain in full detail." The god asked

"I'm Ai from the southern water tribe. I like manga and anime since I can remember. My parents abandoned me at birth and was placed in an abusive orphanage. I found out I was a waterbender at 5 years old when I saw another orphan about to get punished from the caretaker with boiling water and I subconsciously lifted my arms and bended the boiling water at the caretaker's face. Shocked at what I did, I got scared and packed my things and ran away. I went to the docks and listened-in on one of the sailors and found out that one of the boats was going to the south pole. I stowed away on the ship and after 3 days of hiding on the ship and stealing bits of food, I got caught and was to be judge by the elder of the southern water tribe and thats how I met katara. We talked about my life up until that point. She took pity on me and took me in and taught me everything she knows about waterbending and I became the youngest waterbending master in the whole elemental nation under the guidance of katara, I mastered the northern water and southern water style at the age of 10, healing at the age of 12, swampy water style at the age of 14 and accidentally becoming a bloodbender at the age of 15. After the bloodbending incident I went to Republic City and went to live with the last airbenders to have a change of pace."

"How I died? is I was out going buy some food to snack on and was ranting about Yakusoku No Neverland season 2 on my head. How they skipped so many events and people in the manga. I was so caught up in my rant that I didnt even see or hear truck-chan about to hit me and then darkness. And now I'm here taking to the god of the anime I was ranting about and the manga I love."

"That was a long story you got there and it wasnt even in full detail." the god said looking amused.

"Some topics are still a bit sore to tell." I said frowning at the thought of the topics

"Its fine, I already heard what I wanted to hear. So, I know you are confused as to why you are here? Am I correct to assume?" the god asked

"Your not wrong to assume sir? god? what do I call you?" I asked confused

"Call me God its much more easier and to answer why you are here? is that you are from this world." the god said

"What?!" I said shocked at the fact that I was supposed to be from this world and not on the elemental nations

"Yes I sent you to a world where a friend of mine resides and with his help I put the knowledge of this world in his world. And sent you back here" the god said looking amused with my shocked expression

"But why go to such lengths to have someone have knowledge of this world to the point of even changing the outcome of the future and with the strength of the water aiding her?" I asked confused

"All will be told in time but for now... you will be reborn and because I'm in a good mood today I'll give you one wish to help you in your journey." the god said looking happy

"Can I get 2 instead?...Please pinkie promise?" I asked holding out my pinkie hoping he would accept my request

"Sure. Why not." the god said and pinkie sweared aswell

"I want to have my memories/knowledge and bending with me when I be reborned." I said with confidence in my voice but was hoping that I chose the right things to request

The god looked shocked at the request and the laught whole heartedly "Hahahaha... Smart of you to request for those things Hahahaha. I only planned for you to be reborned with the knowledge of this world. You got me good... Okay a promise is a promise, I'll let you keep the knowledge you have attained in your previous world and your bending and a little something aswell for making me laugh so much but you'll get it on a later date." the god said looking amused with my requests

"Thank you so much!" I said happy with what I got 'I rather get it later than never.'

"Anything else you want to talk about?" the god asked

"None to my knowledge, No." I said trying to think of questions to ask but none came up

"Well then I hope you have fun in your journey. This will be our last conversation until we meet again." the god said then started the process of making me reborn into this world

And then it hit me like a certain truck-chan "Wait since you sent me to my previous world and sent me back her, right? DID YOU SENT TRUCK-CHAN TO KILL ME?!!!" I asked looking pissed at the fact I got killed by the most cliche way to die via anime style

And before I even get an answer I got reborn and the last thing I heard from him was "Bye-bye"


"Awww, look at how cute you are hmhmhm." A female voice coeed at me I opened my eyes and saw a woman with beautiful purple eyes, black hair tied into a neat bun wearing a white apron over hear black dress.

'OMFG ITS ISABELLA!!!!!!' I giggled at her because I was so happy to finally meet one of my favorite characters in the manga

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'OMFG ITS ISABELLA!!!!!!' I giggled at her because I was so happy to finally meet one of my favorite characters in the manga

"Well arent you happy today. Arent you harley? You happy to see mama harley? Yes Yes you are." Isabella coeed at me and I was over the moon right now

I looked at her smiling at me and at that point one thing is for sure is that I'm not going to let her die.

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