All According To Plan

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-Earlier that day-

"Is everyone ready? Everybody knows what to do?" Lucas asked, looking at everyone who was around the table

We all nodded our heads, getting our nerves ready for the upcoming fight

"Good. Go get ready and be at your stations before the music starts. This is our chance to get back at those monsters and escape this hell hole... I just hope- No! I know this will work." Lucas said, clenching his fists

"We'll all get out of here alive. No one left behind." Yuugo said

We all gave words of encouragement saying that we will all live to see another day and among other things

I just hope that what we said is all true... "Hey, emma? You okay? You seem to be lost in thought?" Norman asked

I was knocked out of my thoughts, quickly shaking my head to be more focused

I looked at norman and smiled "I'm fine... Just being a bit nervous is all." I said, awkwardly smiling

Norman cracked a sad smile and said "Don't worry too much... Everything's gonna be alright. Harley is gonna wake up and when she does, we can tell her that she is a certified idiot. The plan is full proof, we have everything planned out. All we have to do is stick with it and do some little improvement when needed."

He reassured me, making me smile. I took a deep breath and said "We can do this!"

"That's the spirit!"

"If you two are done with the self empowerment moment. We need to move and get everything set up. The others are already moving the kids underground and setting up." Ray said, leaving us as fast as he was to appear

Norman stood up and dusted himself off and reached for my hand, which I took

I dusted myself off and gave my thanks. "Don't mention it. Come on. Let's destroy this place once and for all." He said, to which I gave him a firm nod


NO! Everything was going smoothly! Why?! Why didn't he die?! After a hailstorm of bullets directed at him... He managed to catch them all... He just stood there smiling as he caught them all

I looked at the scene in shock, and I know the others as well

I pulled out my gun and was about to shoot him, only for him to disappear and reappear in front of me but was pierced on the chest by ice

I looked at the scene confused and so was lewis

"What?!" He said, shocked at what happened to him

Then we all heard a voice that I know made everyone's heart drop except for lewis

"Sup' bitch! I'm ready for round 2!"

Sorry, I haven't uploaded for a while. Life was keeping me busy. Hope you guys understand and thanks for reading up to this point. Wish you all a wonderful day and night. Stay safe! Bye

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