Round Two

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The people and the demons looked at the one who spoke and with wide eyes looked at the girl standing in front of them with bandages covering her body

"Sup bitch! Guess who's back? Thought you won, Lewis? Guess what bitch..." Harley said, creating a spike that came from the ground piercing the demon straight to the chest, making him cough out some blood

"I'm not one to easily lose." Harley said, twirled around gathering the water around her then launched a barrage of spikes towards Lewis

Only for him to laugh, as he quickly got out from his impalement then destroying the spikes that was aimed towards him

"Not bad." He said, cracking his knuckles as he stood up straight. He cracked a smile and said "My turn." seemingly disappeared from the spot where he once was

Harley did a front flip creating a curved barrier protecting herself from Lewis' attack from behind and trapping his hand on the ice

Lewis broke off from the icy barrier, destroying it in the process then started walking as he clapped towards Harley

"Not bad... Not bad at all... For a human that is." He said, then appeared in front of Harley

His sharp clawed hands aiming straight to her face but before it came into contact, Harley froze them in a block of ice, shocking the ones who were watching as well as Lewis himself

The two looked at each other in their icy prison, only for Harley to close her eyes and turn the ice into water, escaping from the prison of ice

Lewis looked at the girl in anger, getting annoyed at the fact that this human girl was besting him

As Harley was taking a moment to breathe she heard cracking coming from the ice, she looked up to see that the ice was indeed cracking and the one prisoned inside was shaking

The ice continued to crack until it flew off into different directions causing Harley to take cover using her hands

Lewis who saw this, took the chance and attacked her only for him to catch a bullet aimed at him from behind

He turned around and saw Emma aiming her gun "NOW!" she shouted causing Lewis to turn back around to see that his prey was nowhere in sight but saw a lot of guns aimed at him

He scoffed as he thought 'This again? When will they ever learn?'

As he was about to catch the bullets again, he felt that he couldn't move... He looked around and saw Harley... Bending but... There was no water in sight

'What?! Don't tell me.... She can bend blood?!' Lewis thought as he saw the bullets slowly flu towards him

'Shit! I can't catch or dodge... I... Lost...' He thought then scoffed and said with a smile "You got me good." as he was pierced by a multitude of bullets hitting him all over his body and head... Killing him in the process

The humans looked at the scene as the last of the demons fell... Lying on the ground lifeless

"We... We did it!" Emma shouted with joy as she was looking at the sky

Cries of triumph can be heard all around everyone was celebrating that their plan worked

Harley let go of Lewis, ending her first time blood bending in this world

She kneeled at the ground tired from the fighting. She was slowly losing consciousness, as the pain was now setting in... 'This hurts like hell.' She thought, looking down at her body as it was bleeding, most likely from old wounds opening as well as new ones made during the fight

"HARLEY!" Someone shouted her name but she couldn't hear very well or see them well too. As the ringing grew louder and the blurry ness became too hard to bare, as it was giving her a headache. She let go of her consciousness and went to sleep

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