She knows?

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The three of us are outside finishing up taking some clothes and sheets off the hanger. As there was no more clothes to take off and just the three of us left norman started to talk

"First we need get our hands on some rope. Lets go back inside to find some. I actually have an idea where to find some." he said

I nodded and followed him inside but was stopped by emma

"Wait! We already know that we have a tracker on us maybe there might be more inside the house. Like cameras or bugs." she said in a whisper

"You dont have to worry about that. Last night I searched the entire house for some but found nothing. I mean, we need to find how tight the security is first if were going to escape." he said with a smile

Emma looked at him in shock while I looked at him and put my hands on his shoulders

"I know what you did was necessary but promise me you keep your health in mind yeah?" I said to him menacingly with a smile on my face

"H-hai." he stutters

I smiled then started walking to go inside

"I think you made her mad." emma whispered to norman

He stayed silent for a while then looks at emma "No. I think I made her worry." he said

As I was at the door, I looked behind me and saw that they were talking

"Hey! You guys coming or not?" I shouted

"Coming!" shouted emma

Not long after we went inside, emma said in worry

"Mama... might've already found out... that we wen to the wall..."

"I doubt that." I said to her

"Assuming that yesterday she didnt realize that we went there. It would meanthat she doesnt know where we are at all times. She only knows where we are after checking her watch. If the watch can identify us then mama would know if she checked on the way back or during lunch break..." norman said

"We'd be busted." emma finished

"But thats not the case. Atleast I dont believe it is. I dont believe she know that we went to the gate and leaving no evidence its safe to assume she doesnt know." norman continued

"So-" norman said before getting cut offed by don

"Hey norman! Can you help us for a second?" don asked

"Sure!" he said looked towards us and nodded then went to help don

Leaving me and emma alone. As I watch them leave my line of sight I looked towards emma looking at the empty space where conny's drawing used to be

I sighed and hold her hand making her stop her train of thought. She looked at her hand then to me as I flashed her a smile

"Its all gonna be okay emma." I said to her

She smiled then nodded as I giggled

As I was enjoying the moment until I saw mama coming towards us making me confused as to why this scene was happening

I looked at emma with a smile and whispered "Mama's coming, act normal."

She nodded as I saw mama coming closer to us

"Hi mama! Something wrong?" I asked making emma turn around and saw mama leering at us making her jump a bit

"No, but something might be with emma." mama said the turned to her

"Your looking pale. Now that I think about it, you werent in your usual good spirit this morning." she said as she holds emma's cheek

"No...I.." she stuttered.

"She was just thinking about the time where she will leave the house."  I jumped in

Mama nodded and smiled "Do you like the house?" she asked with a warm smile

Emma let go of my hand, hugs mama then says "Of course! I love the house and I love you!"

"I wonder what conny is up to now." I said as I looked at the board of pictures

"Yeah! You know she said she wanted to become a mama just like you when she grows up." emma said

"Yes, I know. I'm looking forward to that. I know she will be a fine adult and a great mother as well." mama said

"I just hope that she's happy with her new family." I said with a smile

Then we heard ringing. Making us look towards the sound and saw that ray was ringing a bell

"Its dinner time. I got everything ready mama." ray said not long after kids were runnin garound the halls going to the cafeteria to eat

"We'll be right there." mama said

Norman went out of his hiding spot calling us
"Emma, harley! Lets go."

As we were walking to the stairs we heard mama asked "Did you three go to the gate last night?"

Before norman could even answer I said "No we didn't, we were cleaning up and getting ready for bed last night. And isnt it one of the rules not to go near the gate?" I asked tilting my head

 And isnt it one of the rules not to go near the gate?" I asked tilting my head

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"Why do you ask?" norman asked

"No reason. Dont worry about it." mama said walking off to the opposite direction

As she was out of our sights. Emma suddenly dropped down startling both norman and I

"I'm sorry... I'm so exhausted that I suddenly... Ahahaha. Its like my heart only started beating again." emma said trying to get it together

I helped her up and asked "Can you walk?"

"Yeah" she said trying to stand up straight but was wobbly

"Does she know?" I asked confused as to why that happened

"No. I think she's checking us out if we know anything..." norman said

"I think its better to assume she know that someone went to the gate last night." I said

"But doesnt know who they are." emma finished

"Lets go eat! Were already late as it is, we'll get the rope later and get the both of you a goodnights rest. No buts!" I said glaring at them

"Y-Yeah" both of them stuttered

I smiled then went to the cafeteria not waiting on them cause I was hungry after today's events a good meal woukd make it all better.

Both of them looked at my retreating figure until I was out of sight

"She's scary." emma says with a sweat drop

"But she cares about us." norman said with a smile

"Yeah~." emma agreed

Mama's pov

'Today there werent any kids whose reaction were standing out. But I cant help but feel that someone knows. If that dream was true then... No Isabella your being paranoid... But maybe... Ah time will tell.'

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