To Being Free

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--- Outside of Lambda (Harley's POV) ---

"We finally found it!" I said as I looked at the facility in the distance

"So this is the place where I would have been sent..." Norman said

"Yeah and were here to not only save those kids trapped there but also get your subordinates that helped you a lot during the original story." I said

"And the question is how? You don't know the layout of the building or what's waiting for us inside. We're basically going in blind." Ray said with Emma nodding her head

"Ray is right. What are we gonna do? We need more information to save those kids." Emma said

"I think I might be of help." Mama Isabella said with Lucas and the rest of their gang behind her

"What do you have in mind, Mama?" I asked
--- Timeskip ---

"That's... Not a bad idea to be honest..." Emma said

"So, that's our plan?" I asked

"I have no objections." Norman said

"Hm." Ray nodded his head

"Same here." Don and Gilda along with the others agreed

"Then? Let's start fucking shit up." I said with a smile

"Yeah! Let's start fucking shit up!" The younger kids said with enthusiasm

I quickly started to fear for my life as I felt a menacing presence behind me... Not one but multiple

I turned to see three figures standing over me, making me feel threatened

"Huhu. That's some colorful language there, Harley." Maria said behind a "gentle" smile

"I think she needs to learn how to speak like a proper lady before she teaches the other kids any of her colorful language." Anny said

I soon realized that I am more than dead... I was beyond dead. It felt like I was going to die over and over again. I looked frantically in front of me only to see two women

'WHERE'S MAMA?!' I thought

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned my head to see mama. Beyond angry

It felt like the color from my face went away and my blood became cold as I looked at her face

Then Mama said in a sickly sweet voice "Harley, I thought we already talked about this... I must have been too easy on you." she shook her head

She turned to emma and the others and said "Remind me that Harley and I need to have a talk once we get settled in our new home." Mama said

Every kid from Gracefield looked at mama with a smile and collectively said "Yes."

"Fucking traitors." I mummbled

Mama quickly whipped her head towards me and asked "What was that, Harley?"

I looked her in the eye and chose to die swinging. "I said a bunch of traitors, Mama."

"Hmm." Mama eyed me for a moment then went to get everything ready for the raid

Ray went over to me and said with a smile "I see you chose to live. My idiotic friend."

I glared at him and said "Shut up, Emo bitch."

Ray smiled and said "Mama! Harley's cursing at me."

"No, I wasn't! Ray is lying!" I said

Norman and Emma laughed. "And they call me childish." Emma said

"That's enough. We need to get ready for tonight." Gilda said, stopping the fight

We nodded our heads then split up, going to do our own thing before the big raid

--- Night of the raid ---

"You guys ready?" I asked looking behind me

Everyone nodded their heads yes as they armed themselves and was ready to rescue those kids

The plan was simple. We were split into groups and were to take control one floor at a time. The younger kids were to be left behind along with some of the older kids and adults. I'll be the one spear heading through while the others wpuld take control of the floor. Then we move from there until every nock and cranny is searched inside that place

I took a deep breath and started to create a fog to cover ourselves

Who knew Lambda was located in a forest. It makes it easier to raid them

Once there was a thick layer of fog, I quietly made our way near the entrance

I bended the water to make water extensions then covered the metal doors and ripped it our of its hinges

The hallways were red and a loud alarm sound was being nroadcasted through the speakers

A group of guards quickly came to the scene but was easily disposed of

We continued making our way through the building, searching room after room, getting valuable papers and whatnot. Leaving no survivors

I was mowing through security since I got the green light to continue forward from the rest of the group

But when I reached the final floor, there was no alarm ringing, no red lights flashing...I looked around and felt sick through my core... I knew they did experemints in the anime and manga but never to this extent... These humans... They're monsters, worse than those demons who treated us like cattle

Those who were left here we're scientists... The looks on their faces, once they see results they like but at the cost of a child being tortured to the point of asking for death

How much of a monster do you have to be to not o9sbe able to feel sorry for a child let alone do a these horrendous things to them... The child look nothing human, they're bodies covered in scars and was altered

I felt no remorse killing those coat wearing monsters

I released him from his chains and went to him. He must have passed out from all the torture he has been through

I left him to rest not knowing the best option I have right now but all I know is that this floor was going to be one bloody mess


Sorry for being gone for so long... I got busy with something called life. Truth be told I've been busy and got no ideas on where I was going with all my stories. So I took a long hiatus, to find what I was looking for and yeah as you can see I found it. Hehe. I'll try to update weekly but know that life is making me busy but I'll try to be consestent as possible. I would like to also say thank you for all the support for this book. It does mean a lot that a book I created is being read even though I feel like it trash. So thank you all for the continued support. Hope you all have a wonderful life. Bye

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