It Actually Worked?!

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As I took a sip of my luke warm milk, not wanting to get a milk coma just to be sure

I was wondering if I'm taking it a bit too fast... Instead of tomorrow night shit is about to go down tonight

This afternoon they talked about a hidden room which don and gilda are now investigating by themselves and that norman is going to find out ray is the spy and let ray tell emma about it

Most importantly, I have a pain in my left arm that hurts so much... Maybe due to anxiety, but what do I know

As I was busy thinking to myself, alone in the cafeteria but was accompanied by the sound of ticking from the clock on the wall

As I took another sip, I was startled by the doors suddenly opening

I looked and saw the others walking towards me

I stood up and cracked a smile and said "Oh? You're approaching me?"

"What are you talking about? Cant you see were walking towards you?" ray said confused

While the rest was also confused at what I just said, making me laugh at their faces

"Nevermind that. We need to tell you guys something!" emma said looking all serious

"We got something to tell you guys as well." gilda said making don nod

I sighed and gave them some percent of my attention

But I was too busy looking like I was paying attention and waterbending at the same time

I need to think of something fast as well

As they were starting to explain what they found out, which I already was mostly about ray being the spy, william minerva and mama's sex dun- I mean secret room... Anywho, I started to yawn loudly getting their attention as well as stopping them from giving any important information, just in the nick of time as they were about to explain minerva's books are references to the outside world

"Harley? Are you tired?" emma asked

"What? Me? No, of course not." I said as I started what looked like dancing but I was actually bending the water from the sink to the floor

They looked at me all weird

"What are you doing?" ray asked

"Oh! I'm just dancing the sleepiness away... Don't mind me." I explained as I finally got a small stream of water to the windows

As I moved the water to cover all the glass then turning it into ice

Ending my dance with a bow getting a clap from emma and norman who were also confused but still supported my attempt to dance as they say

No matter, as I successfully covered the windows with ice making it harder to listen in on our conversation

As they finished explaining, we went back to our rooms and went to sleep for the night


It was the next day, we did the usual but I got a feeling that something aint right

I looked at the windows and saw it was just a bit wet, nothing wrong with that... Did I take a bath yesterday? I did... right? Oh well I took a bath today so no harm done

-Another Timeskip-

As the 5 of us were walking towards the wall, I couldn't help but imagine myself, pat myself at the back that sister krone doesnt know anything about us or our escape

Since she hasnt popped up right about now, telling me that my planned work and it's all gonna be smooth sailing from here on out

Who the fuck am I kidding, she listened in on us through the doors and is standing right in front of us right now

'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I was so busy thinking about the future that I forgot to somehow silence the door!' I thought to myself as sister krone was busy scaring the others about how she knew and that how she wants to make a deal for them

Before norman could say anything I said looking terrified "Mama? What a nice surprise. Whatcha doing out here in this fine weather?"

Making them look at me then towards where I was looking

As soon sister turned around, I sprinted towards her making her turn around to see me about to do some power of friendship bullshit

Knowing what I know from anime and that she got whiplashed

I clapped as hard as I could and she got knocked out

As adrenaline was still pumping through my veins, as sweat was dripping from my head and was panting from it, I looked at how red my palms were then to sister's knocked out ass on the ground and said "It actually worked..."

'Holy shit... It actually worked... Nagisa's assassination trick worked.' I thought still shocked

"Harley... What did you do?" norman asked shocked as well as the others with the same question in mind

"I knocked her tf out." I explained

"Yeah, but how?" ray asked

"I learned the human nervous system and their weak points." I said which was mostly true

I learned it in my previous life because of assassination classroom

As I looked towards sister krone checking if she was still alive which she was but was completely knocked out

I looked at norman and asked "Are there any leftover rope?"

"You wanna tie her up and interrogate her?" don asked

"Interrogate is such a big word. No, I wanna talk to her with her tied up." I said with a smile

"Yeah." he said taking out a good enough length of a rope

"Help me tie her up. Were gonna do the gordian knot" I said

"It's gonna be hard to let her out after it, y'know" ray said

"That's the point, genius." I said as I started to sing (Play the song if you like)

As we finished, we took a step back and admired our bdsm- I mean rope knot skills

'Were still 11 below. Were still 11 below. Were still 11 below.' I thought to myself over and over again

After that whole scene, we started talking about what to do next

We came to the agreement to make a deal with her but at the same time to always have a grain of salt of trust to her and back stab her before she back stabs us

As we waited for a couple of minutes, she started waking up

As it took her a while to process what was going on, she suddenly tensed up and looked around only to see us looking all serious and her being tied up

She started to thrash around only for it to be futile as her knowing her position started to settle in, she looked at us with a bit of fear on her eyes

Norman went up to her face and said with a smile "Morning, sister."

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