Secret Out

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"So... Let me get this straight... You guys managed to survive and were hiding in this windmill?" I asked the adults

"Yes, pretty much." said lucas with a smile while the rest just shrugged

Then I looked over at emma and asked "And you found an underground control room and a door that leads to a lake, with a floating island in the middle but it's an optical illusion and the water is fake?"

"It sounds crazy but it's true." said emma with a "please trust me" smile

I sighed as I shook my head and said "And now you all plan to destroy this place and leave with everyone here?"

They didn't say anything and just nodded their heads with a determined look on their face

I just nodded my head, got out of bed and started stretching

"Alright! Let's go kill some demons." I said as I groaned from stretching

"You're gonna believe us, just like that?" asked damian

"Why? You don't want me to believe you?" I asked with an eye brow raised

"No! It's just that, you were given so much information and yet... You're not overwhelmed by it?" said flore

"Honey, trust me when I say this. I have seen more and heard more weird shit than what you all just told me." I said then pulled out a mask getting some gasps from the crowd

"And plus, I think you need my help to boost your odds of winning." I said with a smile

"H-How?" diana asked, as she and the others looked at the demon mask in my hands in shock

I smiled and said "All you need to know is that I want the head of Lewis on a silver platter."

"Harley, we should tell them. Where on the same team now, so it's better to tell them... We're all in this together." said emma with a serious look on her face

"Emma, I love you but this is real life. Not some fairytale bullshit that all will be happy in the end and we sing a song to show our happiness. We  could and will die." I said

"Yeah, I know but if they know then, they might help us think of a plan with your powers in mind that could help us win more efficiently and reduce losses." emma said, looking at me with her damn puppy eyes

I sighed and said "Alright! But, I won't tell them twice."

"That's fine. We'll gather everyone to a meeting, there you can tell us your secret and then think of a plan to finally destroy this place." said lucas


"Everyone is here... I heard you wanted to tell us all something, harley?"  oliver said, putting me on the spot

I took a deep breath and said "I can't sugarcoat this because, it would be worse if I do. So... I came from another world, filled with people who can bend the elements, who are called benders. And in that said world, I read a manga called Yakosuko No Neverland otherwise known as The Promised Neverland... Which is coincidentally this world..."


"Sigh... I told you, em! And, now what? They're broken!"

Sorry for the short chapter. I got a lot of school work to do.

Are you still enjoying this story? Please tell me in the comments. It would help me keep on going

I hope you guys have a wonderful day! Stay safe and happy

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