A New Promise Made

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-- Tree HQ (Harley's POV) --

It's been 2 years since we moved here to the tree hq and life was as normal as can be. 2 years of preparing and all. I have been attacking the small farms so that the demon's normal supply of food is cut off. The demons are getting restless and have been protesting to the monarchy to do something about it.

As I look out at the people living their daily lives as best as they can. I wondered about the demons and how they are fairing. I couldn't help but feel bad but at the same time I'm just trying to survive in this god forsaken world. I looked behind me and saw the bloody flower jar where the trio were teleported to the realm of that god child.

I sighed as the last time we went there, we got what we wanted but at a cost... A cost too high in the eyes of many... We were allowed to think it over with the others but the deal can't be changed... A life of freedom for many in exchange for a life.

I gladly accepted the deal but was stopped by the others telling me there could be another way. We just had to find it... But at this point, I'm getting tired of this. We had a chance to get everyone to the other side in exchange for 1 life... But at the same time, I want to be with everyone as we enter the human world.

Life is tough is such an understatement. Life is more than tough, it's brutal, merciless and unforgiving but at the same time beautiful and full of amazing things.

A lot of things have changed because of me, it's a no brainer the deal changed also. Everyone is trying to find other ways to go to the human side. Destroying the monarchy and having Mujika take over is our best bet as of now.

I sighed feeling tired as the fatigue from the past couple of days has finally got to me. I pulled out a knife that I had stashed

I heard a thud from behind, I saw Emma, Norman and Ray back from the realm. As I finally had the answer to all this bullshit.

"Anything new?" I asked

"... He wants to talk to you... Alone." Ray said

"I'll go talk to him then." I said grabbing a new flower and replacing the one in the jar.

"Are you sure about this?" Emma asked as she looked at me

"Yeah... I finally have an idea how we can all go to the other side." I said with a smile

"Be careful." Norman said

"Always." I said then was transported to the place where the water and the sky seems to be connected

"It's good to see you again, Harley." The God Child said with a hint of amusement

"Same, it's nice to see this place hasn't changed since when I first got here." I said with a smile

"I want to ask you. The last time we visited you told us that we really need to sacrifice a life. But I was wondering... Why? From the first time I got here you told me to save this world both humans and demons... And during my adventures you were an incredible help and a prankster in some way. You wanted to help me but at times you told me that I was on my own from that point on but still helped me.. Why is that?" I asked

"Can't a God do whatever they like?" He asked

"Then what do you wanna do? Save the demons who are starving and being oppressed by the monarch and let the humans free from the promise that which was broken many many years ago or? stand right there and be an asshole telling us that we need to sacrifice a life even though many of us humans have been sacrificed and become feed for demons of all kinds?" I said as my voice was filled with emotions

The God Child looked at me with a stone cold face void of any emotion then sighed "Can't I just get a little bit of fun? Fine the sacrifice was a joke but it did keep you guys up for the past couple of days though."

"So, destroying the monarchy and getting Mujika as the leader is the plan?" I asked

"It was always the plan. I want you to destroy the power of the monarchy and high nobility to destroy them with all your might and let Mujika become the new leader, saving my people. Once you have finished that I will send you and your people to the other side. Do we have a deal?" The God Child asked

"No hidden ropes, no nothing. This is genuinely what you want?" I asked

"Yes. I swear on my honor." They said with a smile

"Then it's a promise." I said with a smile as I shook hands with him

"I look forward to your work again. Harley." He said then I was transported back

Emma, Ray and Norman quickly came over to me asking me for the details

"We made a deal." I said with a smile

They quickly looked horrified and Emma asked "What promise did you make?!"

"Save both demons and humans. The plan we have right now is already great." I said

"So, he wants us to destroy the farms and the monarchy and have Mujika become the leader?" Ray asked

"Yeah and once we are done we can finally go to the human side." I said with a smile

"Then what about that thing about requiring a sacrifice, what was that about?" Norman asked

"I figured it out, he was only pulling our leg." I said with a smile

"... You're telling me that for 5 days, he was just joking?!" Emma looked angry

"And you knew!?"

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