1: The Hero

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Third Person POV

Kara strolled into the DEO after a long day at CatCo. She felt completely and utterly exhausted but she knew she had work that needed to be done at the DEO. She sat down at one of the computers and started to work on tracking down the alien that she had battled earlier that week.

"Ugh!" Kara started rapidly slamming buttons on the keyboard as it stopped working. "Brainy!! Come help!" She called out. She continued slamming down on the keys.

"What do you need assistance with?" Brainy asked as he walked up to Kara.

"This stupid computer isn't working and I need to track down that alien." Kara said. Brainy could tell how frustrated Kara was.

"Well, you must have not heard that earlier today we were successful in tracking down and capturing him." Brainy said, hesitantly.

"No.. I obviously did not." Kara clenched her jaw.

"You seem stressed." Brainy mumbled.

"Maybe that's because I am." Kara groaned.

"What happened today?" Brainy asked, pulling a chair from a nearby desk to Kara and sitting down.

"Where do I even start?" Kara huffed. "First off, my alarm clock didn't wake me up so I was an hour late to work. I got yelled at by Cat, barely escaped without getting fired. Then I completely forgot about my lunch date with Lucy. Which led her to break up with me because 'I don't have enough time to give her the love she deserves'. Then I missed my deadline for an article so I had to work late. Then I came here and realized that I have been tracking down an alien thats already in the DEO' s custody. So I'd say that today was pretty bad."

"You and Lucy are done?" Alex came in out of nowhere.

"Yeah. I guess so. There goes a year of my life down the drain. I don't think I can do this anymore! Juggling everything is so hard. I feel like I should just give up on dating all together." Kara sighed. Alex rubbed Kara's shoulder and attempted to comfort her.

"I'm just gonna head some.. I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess.." Kara stood up and walked out of the DEO. She didn't feel like changing into her suit or ruining she shirt she had on so she just walked home. She kicked rocks as she walked and kept her head down.

'I need a stress reliever' Kara thought. She knew she couldn't punch cars again as she had gotten so strong that they wouldn't last through 3 punches. She eventually decided on going to Al's Dive Bar in attempt to get drunk and take her mind off of things.

She ordered a stronger drink then she normally would've and sat alone at the bar, taking sips every now and then. She kept thinking about the rough day she just had and was too caught up in her thoughts to notice that someone was trying to get her attention.

  "Excuse me, miss?" Someone said. Kara looked around and noticed a woman standing behind her.

  "Can I help you?" Kara asked as she turned around.

"I was just wondering if you knew where that bathroom was. I'm new to the city and nobody else will answer me." The girl said. Her eyes were an emerald shade of green and her hair a raven color. She stood tall with confidence. She had on dark lipstick which drew Kara's eyes to her lips.

  "I.. uhh.. What?" Is all Kara could mumble out.

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" She asked again.

"Err.. Yeah.. That corner." Kara said, pointing to a door in the corner of the room.

"Thanks." She walked off towards the bathroom, leaving Kara to deal with a small gay panic that had just overcome her. She stared in the direction of the bathroom for awhile, thinking of that beautiful girl. Eventually, she snapped out of it and went back to sipping on her drink and mourning over Lucy.

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