8: They Know

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Third Person POV

"What the hell?!" Alex said loudly. "How could this happen?"

Brainy looked over at Kara, who was clearly uneasy, and gave her a knowing look. They stared at each other, the tension growing every second.

"Kara. A word?" Brainy said, leaving the room.

"Sure thing..." Kara followed him out, leaving the others behind who were very confused.

"You did that, didn't you?" Brainy asked.

"I did not. I would never do such a thing." Kara said.

"As my good friend, Winn, would say.. Crinkle." Brainy said.

"I didn't do anything!" Kara said, trying not to make eye contact.

"Tell me what is going on or I will have no choice to put you in containment and tell everyone what you did." Brainy said. "Or have you forgotten that I am a 12th level intellect and can sense things from a mile away?"

"I didn't do anything, Brainy! You're being insane!" Kara said.

"Then you leave me no choice." Brainy started to handcuff Kara when everyone came out of the room.

"You're being ridiculous, Brainy! Let me go!" Kara said loudly.

"What is going on out here?!" J'onn said.

"Brainy's acting weird! He thinks I let Blackout free!" Kara said.

"She would never do such a thing. Let her go Brainy!" Alex said.

"I have reason to believe that she's working along side the villain. Why else would she have been 'testing' the image inducer today?" Brainy said.

"Maybe because I actually wanted to test them?!" Kara said. "This is the second time today that you've tried to arrest me. What is wrong with you?"

"You have to believe me. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have a reason to." Brainy angrily said.

"Maybe you're just turning evil like all of your ancestors were!" Kara snapped back. Brainy let go of Kara and took a step back.

"That was a low blow, Kara." He said. Kara felt a huge wave of regret. She knew Brainy's worst fear was turning into one of his ancestors.

"Maybe there is something wrong with Kara." Nia said.

"What?! Come on guys!" Kara said, looking around at everyone. They were all looking at her like she was a villain and Kara hated this feeling.

"Well, did you do it?" Alex asked.

"Of course not!" Kara exclaimed.

"Then you won't have any trouble wearing a truth seeker and answering a few questions then, right?" Alex asked.

"What?! Do you really not believe me? We're meant to be sisters. We're meant to have each others backs!" Kara said.

"If you didn't do it, then you won't have a problem using a truth seeker. So, do you have a problem?" Alex asked once again.

"No of course not." Kara lied.

"Then lets go." Alex said.

"Fine." Kara said. They all walked to one of the interrogation rooms and Brainy wheeled the small tank with the truth seeker inside over to her.

"Ready?" Alex asked. Kara nodded and Brainy opened the tank. The small creature crawled up her arm and latched on.

"What is your name?" Brainy asked.

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