9: The Betrayal

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Third Person POV

  "What?!" Kara said loudly. "I think that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say!"

  "I know.. I know it's risky. But I don't know what other choice we have here!" Lena said.

 "I can think of 12 off of the top of my head." Kara rolled her eyes. "Going to your mother would be like a death sentence for me!"

  "If she sees that you've turned 'evil' maybe she'll let you on our team." Lena said.

  "Lena.. No offense. but I don't want to be on Lillian's team. I was sent to Earth to help people." Kara stated.

   "Please, Kara. I think it's worth a shot." Lena said.

  "Fine. But only once we get this damn kryptonite bullet out of my leg. I can't believe Alex would do something like this." Kara groaned.

   "This might hurt." Lena said. She reached her hand towards Kara's leg and into her wound. Kara winced in pain as Lena dug it out.

  "All done." Lena held the small piece of Kryptonite and Kara was able to exhale. Her wound quickly healed over without the kryptonite in her and Lena tossed the bullet to the side.

  "Thank you.." Kara stood up and they got ready to fly towards the Luthor base.

  "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kara asked.

  "Positive. I'll be right here if anything goes wrong." Lena said. Kara nodded and held onto Lena's hand as they took off towards the base. They landed on a nearby mountain and Lena was able to open the base using a button on her watch. Kara watched as a small door appeared and Lena led her through. They were quickly greeted my Lillian and a few of her guards. 

   "I see that you've caught the Kryptonian. Good job, Lena." Lillian smiled. Kara's eyes widened and she turned towards Lena, hoping that this wasn't some sort of plan.

   "No, mother. I've recruited Supergirl. With her on our team, we will be unstoppable." Lena replied. Kara felt a bit relieved.

  "Are you insane, Lena? How do you know she isn't tricking you?" Lillian asked.

  "I can prove it." Kara pitched in.

  "You really want to prove you're on our side?" Lillian inched closer to them. Kara hesitantly nodded.

  "Fine. I'll let you on our side if you retrieve a certain item from the DEO." Lillian said.

  "Which one..?" Kara asked.

  "The hat." Lillian said.

  "The 5th dimensional one?" Kara questioned. Lillian smiled and nodded. 

 "I can do that.." Kara said, quietly.

 "Great. But you'll need a bit of a makeover first. A new suit perhaps?" Lillian suggested.

  "I guess so.." Kara sighed. Lillian smiled and started walking off, expecting them to follow her. Lena and Kara stuck together behind everyone else.

  "I don't know about this, Lena.." Kara mumbled.

  "It'll probably be fine. I broke into the DEO once but I couldn't find the storage room so that kinda failed." Lena said.

  "How did you get in without the alarms going off?!" Kara asked.

  "Eh.. I have my ways." Lena smiled.

  As Lillian had the new suit made, Kara began to have doubts. Was Lena really worth all of this? Of course. But Kara was worried that it would ruin all of the trust she's built with the people of National City. Maybe it already has. Maybe it's too late to go back. She knew she's already ruined everything with her friends, so why not do a few mischievous things to eventually be able to get Lena out of this situation. She had nothing left. No apartment, no friends, no family, all she has is Lena. 

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