5: The Meeting

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Third Person POV

"Hah! I've got you now!" Kara exclaimed. She stood up, keeping a firm grasp on the villain who was trying with all of her might to escape her grasp. Kara turned them around to face her.

'Those eyes.. I know those eyes' She thought.

"Oh my god.. Kieran?!" Kara said without thinking.

"Kara?!" She replied.

"What the hell?!" Kara practically yelled.

"You're Supergirl?!" She gasped.

"You're the villain?!" Kara replied. She unknowingly loosened her grasp on Kieran/Lena. Eventually she was no longer holding onto her and they just stared at each other in shock.

'Supergirl? What's going on? We saw you chasing something!' Kara heard over her comms. She placed one hand over her ear and turned her comms on.

"Sorry.. I was chasing the villain but I think she got away.. I'll keep looking." She replied before turning off her comms.

"I got away?" Kieran smirked.

"For now. You better explain what's going on before I take you into custody." Kara said, crossing her arms.

"Well, for starters. I really did have a good time on our date." She said, chuckling.

"You're name isn't even Kieran.. Is it?" Kara questioned.

"Eh.. It's my middle name if that counts." She replied.

"Wait a minute.." Kara thought back to the card that had 'Kieran's' number on it and remembered the initails L.K.L.

"Your real name starts with an L... Right?" Kara asked.

"You're smarter then I thought." Lena smirked.

"Lena Luthor." She reached her hand out to formally meet the Kryptonian. "But you can call me Blackout when it comes to supervillain business."

"THE Lena Luthor?!" Kara exclaimed. "Oh my god I can't believe I kissed a Luthor. I can't believe I kissed a villain. What kind of hero am I?!" Kara rambled.

"Oh god. You worry too much.. It sickens me." Lena chuckled.

"My reputation as National Cities hero is on the line here." Kara angerly said.

"And you think I care?" Lena snapped back.

"Obviously not." Kara rolled her eyes.

"You know.. You're kinda cute when you're angry." Lena said, inching closer to the hero. Kara wanted to back away but something was attracting her to Lena. Maybe it was the butterflies in her stomach, or Lena's unexplainable charm. Either way, she was intrigued.

"S..Stop.." Kara stuttered.

"You really want me to stop?" Lena asked, as she grabbed Kara's hand.

"Not really..." Kara mumbled.

"That's what I thought." Lena smiled and leaned into the Kryptonian. She planted a kiss on her lips before backing away and flying off, leaving Kara with yet another gay panic.

"What the hell just happened?" Kara said to herself before flying off to the DEO. She landed on the balcony of the DEO and walked in slowly.

"You alright, Kara?" Alex asked.

"Oh yeah... I'm good." Kara gave her a cheesy smile.

"Is that dark colored lipstick...? On your lips?!" Alex said, squinting.

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