6: The Promise

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Kara Danvers' POV

2 weeks later

   I needed to wait awhile, so that she didn't suspect anything. But today was the day. I slowly pulled my phone out of my back pocket and clicked on Kieran's name. I wont change the name to Lena as I don't want anyone to suspect anything if they see her name on my phone.

  'I think I changed my mind.. Dinner tonight?'

 I hesitated before pressing send and not long after, my phone dinged.

   'Took you long enough.. I'll meet you at that Italian place on 6th street at 6pm.'

  Right.. I better get ready seeing as it's already 4:30. I'll try my best to pick my own outfit without Alex's help. I can't wear the same dress though.

  I shuffled through my clothes and decided on a light blue dress. A different one of course. I have quite a few blue dresses and by a few I mean 16.. Whoops?

  I put the dress on and looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled before applying some makeup and putting my hair into a cute bun with braids. Once I was satisfied with the way I looked, I checked the clock and noticed it was already 5:30.  I grabbed my purse and noticed a small device on the bottom.

  "Really, Lena..? Really?" I mumbled and took the device off before examining it. Once I figured out what it was, I smashed it into many pieces and threw it in the trash.

  I headed towards the restaurant. It was small, yet well known. As I walked inside I noticed Lena sitting at a table across the room. I was honestly surprised that she got here before me as I was 10 minutes early. She was on her phone just swiping away.

  I slowly walked over her and invited myself to take a seat across from her. She looked up from her phone and the moment we made eye contact we both unknowingly smiled.

  "You look lovely." Lena said with a smirk.

  "As do you." I smiled and set my purse down next to me.

 The waiter took our drink orders before heading off to the kitchen, leaving me and Lena alone.

  "So, Kara.. Do you really want to date me..? Or is this some sort of plan you have set up?" Lena asked.

  "That depends on if you're going to hide any more trackers on my purse." I grinned.

  "Ah.. Sorry about that one." Lena looked a bit embarrassed. "But I wont do it again.. I promise." 

  She genuinely smiled and her green eyes stared into my soul. It was a strange feeling whenever she did that. Like her eyes were drawing me into her. Her beautiful green eyes.

  "Well.. Then I don't see why we can't.. But we will need some sort of trust in our relationship.. A promise that we wont stab each other in the backs." I suggested.

  "Fair enough.." Lena smiled. 

  The waiter set down our drinks in front of us before taking our orders. She got a salad and I got the steak. As he walked away Lena turned her attention back towards me.

 "Girlfriends?" She reached her hand out.

  "Girlfriends." I agreed.

 Although it was a somewhat fake relationship, I still felt a bit giddy. Like a teenage girl who just got with her crush. 

  The waiter came back and set our food down. Me and Lena shared a smile before starting to eat. To my surprise we actually had a few nice conversations. In all honesty, I had completely forgotten about her dark side as I was too caught up in the genuine fun we were having. She insisted on paying the bill even though I told her I could pay. She left a large tip too.

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