10: The Investigation

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Third Person POV

  "Damn it." Nia said as she stormed over to everyone else.

  "What?! What happened?" Brainy asked.

  "It was Kara. She stole the 5th dimensional hat." Nia said.

  "She did what now?!" Alex said loudly.

  "I know. She said that she felt trapped.. She also said something about being in love." Nia said. "She looked sad almost. She was wearing a black suit with a red logo. It looked like a half S and and L"

  "Wait a minute.. In love.." Alex mumbled a few things under her breath and swiftly made her way over to the nearest computer and started looking things up. She typed in L.K.L which was on the card that 'Kieran' gave Kara. It didn't say much at first, but she kept scrolling and found what she was looking for.

  "She's working with the Luthor's. Lena Kieran Luthor is Blackout. She was dating a girl named Kieran." Alex said.

  "Oh no.." Nia said. "I've heard awful things about the Luthor's. Do you think they're blackmailing her?"

  "Not sure.." Alex replied.

  "Dreamer, see if you can dream up Supergirl's location. I'll prep some of the agents." J'onn said. Nia nodded and walked off to a quieter part of the room and sat down. She closed her eyes and was able to get a small glimpse of the base.

  "It was dark.. I couldn't make anything out. All I saw was metal?" Nia said.

  "Interesting." Brainy said. He grabbed Alex's phone and placed his hand on it. He closed his eyes.

 "Metal.. Fusible.. Engineering.. Engineers help make tunnels. Tunnels go through mountains. Mountains. Their base is in a mountain." Brainy said as he handed Alex her phone back.

  "I'll never understand how you do that." Alex said.

  "It's quite simple. I just-" 

 "Not right now. We have work to do." Alex cut him off.

  "Indeed. I shall start my search for which mountain their base is located in." 

 Alex Danvers' POV

I still can't believe Kara was so quick to change sides. How am I meant to break this news to mom? Maybe she'll find out on her own, the media is already getting suspicious because she's been m.i.a. for so long. I'm pretty sure some photos of her in the black suit are getting leaked which is obviously phenomenal.

  I hesitantly picked up my phone and started dialing mom's number. I took a deep breath before pressing the button and bringing the phone up to my ear.

  "Hello?" I heard my mom say.

  "Hey mom! It's Alex." I chuckled nervously.

  "Is everything alright?" She asked.

  "Uh.. Not really.." I sighed. "Kara has kind of.. Well.. Karaturnedevilandisnowworkingwiththeluthorsandican'tseemtogetthroughtohersoithinkyoushouldcometonationalcity." I said quickly.

  "English please, Alex." She said.

 "Kara may have turned evil and is now working with the Luthor's and I can't seem to get through to her so I think you should come to national city." I repeated, slowly.

  "I'm on my way." I heard the dial tone and took a deep breath. I'm not sure if I should be worried for myself or Kara but I'm sure that either way, someone's gonna be in major trouble and there will most likely be lots of yelling. I also took this time to make a phone call to Clark in hopes that he could possibly help. If my sister has really turned evil, we will need all hands on deck to get her out of that situation.

  "Hey Alex. Is everything alright?" He asked.

  "Not quite. I think I may need some of your help." I said.

  "What happened?!" He frantically asked.

  "Kara is working with the Luthor's. We don't know if she's really evil or is just doing it to help someone, but either way, we need your help." I said.

  "Right.. I'll tell Lois and we'll head that way within the hour. Thank you for letting me know, Alex." He said.

  "No problem.. See you soon." I hung up. 

  I walked back into the DEO to see if we had gotten any new information.

 "I have narrowed their location down to one of the mountains just North of National City. It will take some more time before we know their exact location." Brainy stated.

  Third Person POV

About 30 minutes later, Clark and Lois and arrived. They got their stuff situated at the DEO and Brainy caught them up on everything they knew so far. AS they were talking, a sudden boom shook the DEO and everyone sprung out of their seats. They knew this had to be something to do with Kara and the Luthors.

  They rushed outside and saw Kara hovering above the city. She was holding a large weapon and aiming it towards different buildings. Something seemed off though. Clark wasted no time and flew up to confront her.

  "What are you doing, Kara?!" He said loudly, trying to make his voice clear over the loud booms.

  "Help me!" Kara yelled. "I can't control it!"

  She had tears in her eyes and seemed like her movements were out of her control. Her arm swung at Clark and nailed him in the gut, causing him to topple to the ground. As he landed, the ground around him shook. He quickly regained himself and flew back to the others to tell them what had just happened.

   "Something is seriously wrong with Kara." He said.

  A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I had a bit of a writers block with this chapter but have many ideas for the next one :)) Also, sorry for posting it so late. I had no motivation to do it lol

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