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A stands for ambien.

something hongjoong should have asked from mingi before they started heading to their respective room assignments.

according to yeosang, however, A stands for A good example.

that's the motto yeosang wants to live by for the rest of the weekend, even wants to have a sign to hang outside the door.

just as a reminder.

to all of them.

"are you A fucking idiot?" hongjoong comments as they walk up the steps and into their bungalow.

"this is why you do the visuals, and i do the writing."

yeosang throws his bag onto one of the two beds, while hongjoong and seonghwa share the other.

yeosang tells himself to keep his sanity (and heart) intact by only looking at them if he has to.

they are a trio. the ones everyone looks up to.

well, not so much hongjoong.

although yeosang probably doesn't know the extent as to how much their other friends respect hongjoong regardless of whether he's knocked out on depressants or high as a fucking kite because, all things considered, he still manages to take care of them, especially the ones who need it the most.

the lost boys, hongjoong calls them.

he attended yunho's pageant night, jongho and taehyun's college musical, and one of soobin's soccer games when their college made it to the finals – all with a head-splitting hangover.

he even went as far as arguing with kai's contemporary literature professor for giving kai's to kill a mockingbird report for finals a subpar grade.

the perks of being a journalism major, with a penchant (and enough brain cells left) for literature.

on the other hand, while stricter in terms of trying to avoid any form of jail time, yeosang turns soft for each and every one of them.

he tells his friends to call him when they get home, and at one point received twenty-three missed calls when he stepped out of the shower.

san thinks yeosang's hugs are the best, but his cool, angsty ass won't let him say it out loud.

"i've got a reputation to uphold."

yeonjun snorted. "sure."

wooyoung, in the middle of playing tetris, didn't even bother looking up from his phone.

"you literally don't."

yeosang steps out of the bathroom in a loose white shirt and boxers, fluffy towel draped over his head.

hongjoong's already lying down beside seonghwa, mindlessly flipping through channels on the wide screen that hangs from the wall across their beds.

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