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hongjoong had been hiding from yeonjun all day.

classes were cancelled, which meant he wasn't going to see yeonjun unless fate decided to turn on him at the last minute – which was also when he decided to stop his week-long mobile game addiction to write the script.

( "hamster restaurant is serious business. fuck right off." )

hongjoong was eventually found tucked away in the student broadcasting station's back office, desperately attempting to finish a script due in the next half hour.

he sat on the floor behind the desk despite the many empty seats and tables available. his laptop was overheating, warmth seeping through the fabric of his pants and almost burning his thighs.

he didn't care, he had already downed two cups of piping hot coffee in the span of writing a single page. inspiration was a bitch that came and went.

it was three in the afternoon, and he hadn't gotten any sleep at all, academic requirements piling up leading to finals week. he only managed to find time for extracurricular activities when he received the cancellation announcement via e-mail that morning, which resulted in him heaving a huge sigh of relief and sleeping in for two more hours.

( he'd said it a million times before, and he never got tired of saying it: hongjoong hated working under the student broadcasting station. he knew he could use his spare time sleeping and dicking around on his phone instead.

"do it for your resume," yeonjun kept telling him, so much that it became a mantra – eventually becoming a post-it note stuck to the mirror in the dorm room he shared with yeosang.

"that's inspirational," yeosang commented once.

"i'm not in the fucking mood, yeosang."

"when were you ever?"

hongjoong wasn't the type to believe in the power of motivational quotes. unlike soobin, whose room was plastered, wall to ceiling, with dance posters and uplifting messages, some cross-stitched by a favorite aunt. )

when the door to the back office opened, hongjoong flinched, bumping his head against the edge of the table. "ouch," he muttered, rubbing his scalp.

the new arrival tensed by the door. "oh, i-i'm sorry," a meek, confused voice began. "i was looking for yeonjun."

it was curiosity that brought hongjoong to peer at the door from behind the desk. an unfamiliar face stared right back. "wrong person, buddy. i've been avoiding him all day."

the other managed a soft, amused laugh. the sound made hongjoong's heart do painful flips in his chest, and the sight of bright, doe eyes made his stomach twist. a small smile settled on the new arrival's face. "hongjoong, right?"

"i'm sorry, what's your name again?"


"from accounting?"

( seonghwa from accounting. that's how everyone knew him. )

"the one and only," seonghwa laughed, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

hongjoong could tell seonghwa was a little nervous, and, for some reason, hongjoong was, too. which was, admittedly, severely odd, because hongjoong never felt anxious around anyone.

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