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          RAMONA LOVED THE FIRST CLASS SECTION. she liked the seats that folded out into beds, she could always depend on it for a decent rest, she liked the champagne, the movie selections, everything. Ramona scrolled through her tablet, reading some random business tabloid as she nonchalantly drank some champagne. after that, she took a nap.

The food was mediocre. The steak was a tad bit overdone. the mash potatoes were like porridge. you get the point. She then took a nap, god she loved naps, though she hated it when she woke up and felt even more groggy.

Ramona preferred going on economy if it were say a flight from Singapore to Vietnam, or Malaysia, but if anything took over three hours, Ramona resorted to good ol' first class.

After waking up, she flipped through her vogue magazine looking at the new looks for the Paris fashion week. Ramona hated going to the shows, instead, she would just get the items she liked flown to one of her homes somewhere around the world in her exact measurements

The flight attendants keep on filling up her glass of champagne, they ask her if there is anything she needs. She just smiled and shook her head. People kept on glancing her way, wondering what this Asian girl does that gets so much attention from the attendants.

Ramona didn't do anything. She was just the owner to a very well-known enterprise. No. She did work, she worked very hard to earn her own living. Her parents refuse to give her an allowance. Daddy has always tried to sneak a couple thousand, but Mummy says she needs to earn her own living. When both Mummy and Daddy die, then she can do whatever she wanted with their money.

Then she could hear her friend, the pilot said in the intercom, "prepare for landing," Ramona doesn't pay any attention. By the time she finished her magazine, the plane had landed. The flight attendants stand on guard at the gate of first class. Ramona has to always be the first off the plane.

Grabbing her Swissgear Suitcase, her Chanel purse, and slipping on her Dior sunglasses, Ramona leaves the plain quickly and quietly. She hated it when she drew too much attention. 

after finishing the custom airport work, Ramona was in her car and driving back to her home. She rode up to the pathway surrounded by beautiful trees. She had to pay an architect 50 million dollars for the entire property design and she had to spend 200 million just for the construction. her home one hundred percent certified green—all the roofs have solar paneling, and all the reflecting pools actually flow into a state-of-the-art aquaponics system. cool, right!>

Ramona owned Italianate estate that was around 200 acres, her house took up 5 acres, and the rest were just free land, that's where she kept her beautiful 5-acre greenhouse with fresh fruit and vegetables which had rich water that fertilizes the organic vegetables grown, her large body of water that ran around her property, her 2-acre bird aviary, her three-acre dog living area, a beautiful Rome-style gazebo that overlooked her lake, and where she hosted spring tea parties and dinners. 


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