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          "HIS NAME IS NICK YOUNG," 

Rachel Chu watched as the food dropped out of Wye Mun's ( Peik Lin's father's ) mouth. The whole table had stopped with their activities as they stared at her. Eyes wide and jaws on the floor. Rachel shifted uncomfortably. Nick's just her boyfriend, right?

"The Nick you're dating is Nick Young?" Peik Lin finally managed

"His best friend... YOU'RE INVITED TO COLIN KHOO'S WEDDING AH?" Auntie Neenah, Peik Lin's mother exclaimed

"Yeah, do you guys know them or something?" Rachel asked, confused as Peik Lin's older brother snapped a pick of her again and admired it. 

"Hells yeah," Wye Mun said excitedly, "The Khoos, The Youngs, I mean who doesn't know where they are? They're just the biggest developers in all of Singapore. And Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, New Mexico, Asia!" Wye Mun explained as his tone grows with excitement. 

"She gets it. Colin and Araminta's wedding is like, Singapore's wedding of the century! The Youngs are royalty," Peik Lin added as her father nodded. "Did you not know? Does she not know?!"

"Why you never say before? Tell, tell. What are they like?" Neena asked with anticipation

"I don't realy know what their ─ I, I mean, I haven't met them yet. I'm going to Nick's Grandma's house," Rachel replied

"You're going to Nick's Grandmother's house wearing this?" Peik Lin asked, gesturing to the red dress, "Wearing that?" everyone laughs all execpt for Rachel who is so confused. 

"Yeah. I thought red was a lucky color!" Rachel replied, her tone defensive. 

"Yeah, if you're an envelope. Zing! Nailed it!" Wye Mun quipped as only he found the jab funny. 

Peik Lin looks at Rachel up and down, scrutinizing the dress in every possible aspect. Yeah. no. Her friend was not going to make the headlines for being dressed as a lucky money envelope. And Honey, Rachel needs all the luck she can get. 

PEIK LIN gestured for Rachel to enter the massive walk-in closet. All the clothing was designer brand and color-coded. Rachel looks around in complete awe. Peik Lin's closet could rival that of the Kardashian Dynasty. 

"Rachel, these people aren't just rich okay, they're crazy rich," Peik Lin explained as she pulled out a huge handbag with the design of Asia. "Look. There's new money all of Asia, the Beijing billionaires, the Taiwan tycoons. But the Young Family, they're old money rich. They had money when they left china in the 1800s. And they went all the way down here. Not there, here," she pointed to Singapore. 

"They came to Singapore when there was nothing but a jungle and pig farmers. There was a snake here, eating an apple. Do you know what I mean? And they build all of this. Now, they're the landlords of the most expensive city in the world! Here you go," she shoved the bag into Rachel's arms as she digged around her closet

"These people are so posh and sobby, they're snoshy. Here you go," she gives Rachel the choice as Rachel puts the bag onto the chair and Peik Lin began to find a perfect dress. 

"Yeah, but nick isn't like that," Rachel argued softly

"Even if he isn't. I guarantee you the family is. which is why tonight, you need to not look like Sebastian of the little mermaid," 


RAMONA DANCED AROUND HER CLOSET. Looked around at her humongous closet. Sophie Khoo watched in amusement on facetime as her best friend hummed while looking at all of her dresses. "Just choose a dress, Romi," Sophie said, rolling her eyes.

𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐘 ── 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔. ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now