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FREDDIE put the document down and looked up at everyone. Felicity, Victoria, and Alix were still trying to digest the surprising news that their mother had owned a secret estate in Thailand. "Go on!" Eddie said impatiently.

"I'm finished," Freddie answered.

"What do you mean you're finished? What about Tyersall Park?"

"I just read you that clause."

"What do you mean? You didn't mention Tyersall Park at all!" Eddie insisted.

Freddie sighed and began to recite the final clause again. When he was finally done, the room was completely silent for a moment, and then things erupted as everyone started talking at once.

"We all have a share in Tyersall Park?" Felicity asked, utterly confused.

"Yes, you specifically have a 12 percent share in the property," Freddie explained.

"Twelve percent...what does this even mean?" Victoria grumbled.

Eleanor smiled triumphantly at Nick and Ramona, and then she whispered in Philip's ear, "Your mother can insult me all she wants, but at the end of the day you, Yùtù, and Nicky got the majority share and that's what counts!"

Ramona glanced across the table at his cousin Alistair, who shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe Ah Ma actually left me something in her will."

"More than a little something," Nick said with a grin.

Witnessing Ramona's exchange with his brother, Eddie grew more livid by the moment. Suddenly he jumped out of his chair, shouting, "THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT! Where's my share in Tyersall Park? Let me see that will! Are you sure this is even the latest version?"

Freddie looked at him calmly. "I can assure you this is your grandmother's Last Will and Testament. I was present when she signed it."

Eddie snatched the document from his hands and flipped through to the last page. There, on the bottom of the page, was the notarized seal, accompanied by the following words:

Signed in the presence of FIONA TUNG CHENG and ALFRED SHANG

on this the Ninth day of June 2009

Eddie's eyes almost bulged out of his head. "Fucky fuck, my wife was a witness?"

"Indeed she was," Freddie replied.

"That bitch never told me! And the will was signed in 2009? How is this possible?" Eddie said, almost shrieking.

"Stop asking stupid questions, you goblok! She took a pen and signed it!" Alfred scolded him, getting fed up.

Eddie ignored his great-uncle. "But this means she never changed her will? Not even when Nicky married Rachel?"

Nick realized his cousin was right. After all the endless speculation about being disinherited, it turned out his grandmother never once wavered from her original plan. She left a majority stake of Tyersall Park to his father, knowing one day it would be passed down to him and Ramona. Suddenly he felt an enormous wave of guilt wash over him. Why did he waste so many years being mad at Ah Ma?

But Eddie wasn't done with his tirade. He stormed over to Freddie Tan's chair and looked him in the eye accusingly. "The other day when you came to see my grandma, you told me I was going to be the main beneficiary!"

Freddie looked startled. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I said no such thing."

"You told me I was the 'man of the hour'!"

Freddie almost began to laugh, but seeing the look on Eddie's face, he tried to soften the blow. "Eddie, I was making a pun about the Patek Philippe you were wearing. You had on the 150th-anniversary Jump Hour Reference 3969 watch. One of my favorite models."

Eddie glared at him incredulously before crumbling into his chair in embarrassment. Alix gave her son a pitiful look and then turned to the lawyer. "Freddie, I'm not clear about how my mother's financial holdings are going to be divvied up. What about her other stocks and her share of Shang Enterprises?"

Freddie looked very uncomfortable and swiveled his chair in Alfred and Ramona's direction.

"Your mother had no other stocks, aside from Ling Holdings," Alfred said.

"But Mummy had a huge stock portfolio-she told me she had every blue-chip counter! Wasn't she the biggest private shareholder in Keppel Land, Robinson's, Singapore Press Holdings?" Felicity argued.

Alfred shook his head. "No, I am and one day, Ramona will be,"

𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐘 ── 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔. ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now