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WHEN THEODORE AND RAMONA ARRIVED at the four seasons hotel in Santa barbara. They were led through the mimosa-scented lobby, then down a long Mediterranean-tiled corridor, and outside again. They walked through the lush gardens toward one of the private cottage suites. Time seemed to have sped up, and everything seemed so unreal. It was all too bright, too tropical for such a momentous occasion. Before she could fully collect herself, they were at the front of the cottage, and Eleanor was giving the Mission-style wooden door a few rapid knocks.

Ramona and Theodore squeezed each other's hand. This was better than any TV show Ramona had ever watched

The door was opened by a man with an earpiece who Rampna assumed was some sort of bodyguard. Inside the room was another man in an open-collared shirt and a pale yellow sweater vest, sitting in front of the fireplace. His rimless glasses framed a vibrant, fair-complexioned face, and his jet-black hair meticulously combed with a part on the left, had a few graying streaks at the temples. 

Kerry Chu stood at the doorway hesitantly, but as the man got up and came toward the light, she suddenly put her hands to her mouth and let out a small gasp. "Kao Wei!"

The man came up to Rachel's mother and stared into her face searchingly for a split second, before scooping her into a tight embrace. "Kerry Ching. You are even prettier than I remember," he said in Mandarin.

Kerry broke out in loud, violent sobs, and Rachel found her eyes flooding uncontrollably with tears as she watched her mother crying against the man's chest. Managing to collect herself after a few moments, Kerry turned to her daughter and said, "Rachel, this is your father."

Standing outside the cottage, Eleanor turned to her son, her daughter, and her daughter's boyfriend and said in a rather choked-up voice, "Come on, let's give them some privacy."

Nick, a little misty-eyed himself, answered, "That's the best thing I've heard you say in a long time, Mum."

Comfortably ensconced in the hotel lounge with her requisite cup of hot water and lemon, Eleanor proceeded to recount to them the full story of how she came to discover Rachel's real father.

"Bao Shaoyen was so grateful to all of us in London. Your hopeless cousin Eddie left after a few days, after getting fitted for his new suits, and Shaoyen didn't know a soul in London. So we took care of her. We took her to visit Carlton every day in the hospital while he was recovering from his surgeries, we took her to eat at the halfway decent Chinese restaurants, and Francesca even drove all of us to the Bicester Village outlets one day. Shaoyen was in seventh heaven when she discovered that they had a Loro Piana outlet store there. My God, you should have seen how much cashmere that woman bought! I think she had to buy three big suitcases at the Tumi outlet just to fit everything. As soon as Carlton was out of intensive care, I encouraged Shaoyen to let him do his rehabilitation in Singapore. I even called up Dr. Chia at NUH to pull strings and get Carlton into the best physical therapy program. So of course Carlton's father came down to visit from Beijing, and I got to know the family well over the next few months. Meanwhile, Auntie Lorena's private investigator in China went to dig up everything he could on the family."

"Auntie Lorena and her shady investigators!" Nick scoffed, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Alamak, you should be grateful Lorena hired Mr. Wong! Without his snooping around and paying off the right people, we would never have been able to get to the truth. It turned out that Bao Gaoliang had changed his name right after he graduated from university. Kao Wei was always a boyhood nickname—his actual name was Sun Gaoliang. He grew up in Fujian, but his parents made him take the surname of his godfather, who was a well-respected party official in Jiangsu Province because then he could move there and get a better start to his career."

"So how did you break the news to the Baos?"

"At one point, Shaoyen had to go back to China to attend to some business, and Gaoliang was alone in Singapore visiting Carlton. One night, I took him to have kai fun at Wee Nam Kee, and I asked him about his younger days. He started to tell me about his college days in Fujian, so at one point I just blurted out, 'Did you ever know a woman by the name of Kerry Ching?' Gaoliang's face went white as a ghost. He said, 'I don't know anyone by that name.' Then he suddenly wanted to finish his dinner quickly and leave. That's when I finally confronted him with the truth. I said, 'Gaoliang, please don't be alarmed. You can leave if you want, but before you do, please hear me out. I feel that fate has brought us together. My son is engaged to a woman by the name of Rachel Chu. Please let me show you her picture, and I think you will understand that something remarkable has happened.' "

𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐘 ── 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔. ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now