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          THEODORE LING sped toward Carlton's location, Ramona sat next to him in the front, Colette, Rachel, and Nick squashed at the back. Sitting in silence, Ramona gazed out at the mostly empty boulevards of the Sixteenth Arrondissement, the streetlamps illuminating the elegant façades with that particular golden hue only to be found in Paris. She thought about how best to handle Carlton in his current state and wondered whether they would even get to him in time.

Suddenly they had arrived at avenue de Malakoff, and the chauffeur gestured toward the lone garage that seemed to be a hive of activity. Ramona stared in astonishment as the full extent of the race operation that had been months in the planning finally became clear to her. 

Through the partially raised garage door, a team of mechanics bustled around a carbon blue Bugatti Veyron Super Sport as if it were being prepared for the Formula One final, and several guys she recognized from the party stood outside the garage smoking. Ramona whispered to Theodore, "Can you believe this? I had no idea it would be this much of a production!"

"You've seen how the women in this crowd spend their money; this is how the guys spend it," Theo commented discreetly.

"Look, look! There's Carlton standing over there with Harry Wentworth-Davies. Ugh, I should have known that wanker was part of all this!" Colette said

Rachel took a deep breath. "I think it's best that I try to talk to Carlton on my own. He might be more receptive if the five of us aren't ganging up on him."

"Yes, yes, we'll just stay in the car," Colette anxiously agreed.

Rachel got out of the car and approached the garage, and Carlton suddenly looked up and noticed them. Grimacing, he staggered out to the middle of the street and blocked Rachel from coming any farther. "You guys shouldn't be here. How did you even find me in the first place?"

"Does it really matter?" Rachel said, studying her brother with concern. His left eye was blackened, he had a bruise on his jaw, a nasty cut on his bottom lip, and God knows what other injuries under his racing overalls. "Carlton, please don't go through with this—you know you're not in any condition to race tonight."

"I've sobered up—I know what I'm doing."

 Knowing it was useless arguing with someone who had clearly had too much to drink, she tried a different tactic. "Carlton, I know what happened tonight. I can totally understand your anger, I really can."

"I don't know how you could possibly understand at all."

Rachel grasped his arm encouragingly. "Look, you have nothing to prove to Richie anymore! Can't you see that he's already lost? He's been totally humiliated by Colette. Can't you see how much she loves you? Be the bigger man and walk away from this race now."

Jerking his arm away, Carlton said gruffly, "This isn't the time to big sister me. Just get out of here, please."

"Carlton, I know about London," Rachel said, looking him in the eyes. "Colette told me the whole story...I know what you're feeling."

Carlton looked taken aback for a moment, but then his eyes narrowed in anger. "You think you know everything, don't you? You come to China for two weeks and you think you're the expert on all of us. Well, you don't know a thing! You have no idea how I really feel. You have no clue how much trouble you've caused me, caused my family!"

"What do you mean?" Rachel looked at him in surprise.

"You don't even know the damage you've done to my father just by coming to China! Can't you get the hint that he's been avoiding you like the plague? Haven't you figured out why you're staying at the Peninsula? It's because my mother would rather die than let you set foot in her house! Do you know I've been spending time with you just to piss her off? Why can't you mind your own business and leave us alone?"

Colette sprang out of the car, stomped over to Carlton in her black-and-gold Walter Steiger Unicorn heels, and began yelling right in his face. "How dare you talk like that to your sister! Do you know how lucky you are to have someone like her looking out for you? No, you don't. You take everyone for granted and only love feeling sorry for yourself. What happened in London was a tragedy, but it wasn't just your fault. It was my fault, it was Richie's fault—we were all to blame. Winning this race isn't going to bring anyone back from the dead, and it's not going to make you feel any better. But go ahead, get into your car. Go and race Richie. The both of you can go measure your dicks and crash your million-dollar sports cars into the Arc de Triomphe for all I care!"

Carlton stood stock-still for a moment, not looking at either of them. Then he yelled, "Fuck you! Fuck all of you!" before heading back toward the garage.

Colette threw up her hands in resignation and started to walk back to the SUV. Unexpectedly, Carlton sank down onto the curb, clasping his head as if it were about to explode. Rachel turned and looked at him for a moment. All of a sudden, he seemed like a lost little boy. She sat down on the curb next to him and put her hand on his back. 

"Carlton, I'm sorry for causing your family so much pain. I had no idea about any of this. All I ever wanted was to get to know you and to get to know your father and mother better. I won't go back to China if it's been that hurtful to you. I promise you I'll go straight home to New York. But please, please don't get in that car. I don't want to see you get hurt again. You're my brother, goddamit, you're the only brother I've got."

Carlton's eyes brimmed with tears, and bowing his head, he said in a muffled voice, "I'm sorry. I don't know what's come over me. I didn't mean to say those things."

"I know, I know," Rachel said softly as she patted his back.

Seeing that things had calmed down, Colette approached the two of them gingerly. "Carlton, I called off Richie's proposal. Will you please call off this stupid race?"

Carlton nodded wearily, and the women glanced at each other in relief.

AFTER THAT NIGHT, everyone had hurriedly got up and left, which left Theodore and Ramona had spend one last day in Paris together. They both woke up bright and early and began to get ready. Ramona wore a white long-sleeved satin blouse and a champagne-colored skirt paired with a white beret and white mary-jane heels. Theodore wore a creme-colored shirt and white linen pants. 

They began their morning at that café shop that faced the Eiffel Tower. Ramona got a cup of lavender tea, and Theodore ordered a cappuccino. Then, they made their way over to Notre Dame Cathedral, walking around the cathedral, then going inside and climbing the 387 steps to the top of the towers. The climb to the top of the towers was exhausting, but they got a panoramic view of the region and see the famous gargoyles up close. ( they did sing a few songs from the hunchback of notre dame, sue them ). 

Then, they visited the Louvre. Theodore goes every year just to see the Mona Lisa and other paintings he loved. After two hours of staring at art, they went to the Palace of Versailles where they took a long walk around the legendary gardens. The rest of the day was spent visiting all of the tourist attractions. It was. nice. Ramona only ever traveled to Paris for business or for shopping trips which were fun and all, but she wanted to try to be a tourist just once in her life. 

At sometime in the afternoon, she and Theodore split up, Theodore said he had to go back home, and Ramona still wanted to tour around a bit more, she spent time wandering around that cool little bookstore, she checked out the farmers market there and might've spent well over 200 euros on the fruit alone. 

They had a flight back to Shanghai where they would pack things up and return to Singapore. So, Ramona spent her last few hours in Paris buying more items. 

When she returned home, Theodore was fully packed, both of their leather duffle bags ready at the door. "Hey, I thought you might've bought some extra stuff, so I brought an extra bag," he said nonchalantly, "We have a flight soon," Ramona nodded and began stuffing all of the goodies she bought into the extra duffle bag. it was time to fly back to shanghai. 

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