Chapter Six

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January 14th, 2012
Washington, DC
Prentiss Household

I've been with Emily for 2 days now. It's been the best 2 days ever. We mostly had sex but when we weren't doing that we were cuddling on the couch. We watched a lot of crime shows, trying to profile people together.

Later that day when Emily ran to the store my mom called me, "Hey mom" I said sitting down on the couch.

"Hey Jenny, what are you up to?"

"Oh nothing. Just at my coworkers house. What are you up to?"

"Well, your father and I will be in town tomorrow and we would love to have dinner with you. We are going on a road trip through the states and we wanted our first stop to be you" my eyes widened at that.

"U-uh okay"

"Are you seeing anyone? We would love to meet them" just then Emily walked through the door, I stared at her as she walked over to the kitchen with the groceries. "Jenny?" My mom said, I shook my head clearing my thoughts.

"Uh no. I'm not seeing anyone.." I see her glance over at me as she puts the food away.

"Well that's a shame. Anyways, your dad is calling me. I love you, see you tomorrow bug"

"I love you too. Bye" I hung the phone up and got up walking over to Emily.

"So.. my parents are coming tomorrow.." I started off saying. I really wanted her to meet my parents but I didn't know if it was too soon. I mean we aren't even talking romantically or anything. She's gonna think I'm weird. Maybe I'm moving too fast. I mean I don't even know if she likes me likes me, she could just be wanting me for sex. Okay, I'm moving too fast. Slow down Jennifer. Oh god she's looking at me.

"You okay? I can hear you thinking over here, what's going on? Are your parents okay?" I smiled softly at her.

"Yeah they're okay. They're going on a road trip through the states and they wanna see me"

"That's good, right? You're cool with your parents?"

"Yeah, we have a close relationship.. They asked me if I was seeing anyone and I told them no.."

"I mean that's true you aren't.." I bite my lip looking at her. I want to ask her so bad.. "Ask me Jennifer" my heart starts racing.

"What?" Is she a mind reader?

"Ask me" she comes around the island and stops in front of me. She's so much shorter out of her heels.

"Ask you what?" She rolls her eyes, I smirk down at her.

"Ask me to meet your parents.." I swallow hard and step closer to her. I can hear my heart beating.

"Will you go with me to meet my parents?" She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Of course I'll meet your parents" I smile and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer.

I can't believe I'm letting a girl meet my parents. Well, it's just not anybody. It's Emily fucking Prentiss.


I was excited to meet Jennifer's parents. If we are being honest, I hope she asks me to be her girlfriend. I feel so connected to her already. I've always wanted her. She decided to make us lunch today so I'm watching her right now. She's making us some BLT sandwiches.

"So, tell me about your parents" I ask as I sit there sipping my wine letting my eyes watch her work.

"Well, my mom, Susan. She's a retired nurse and my dad's a retired police chief. They've been married 35 years."

"Are you the youngest?"

"I am. I had an older sister Roslyn. I have an older brother named Jason, he's 32. What about you?"

"I'm an only child. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to Roslyn?" I watched as she stood quiet for a moment.

"She was 17 when she killed herself.. I was 11. I didn't .. I didn't know anything was wrong with her.. She just gave me her necklace and that was it.. Not many people know about my sister.. She was special to me and still is."

"I'm so sorry Jennifer.. She's proud of you I bet"

"You think so?" I smiled at her and got up going around to her, I slid between her and the counter. I place my hands against her cheeks.

"I know so baby. Thank you for telling me even though you didn't have to. It means a lot that you trust me and feel safe telling me that."

"You're important to me.. You know after the first day seeing you, I talked to her about you. I told her how beautiful I thought you were and how incredibly intelligent you are. You're like the first woman I've liked in a while.."

"I feel very honored by that Jennifer. Don't ever change for anybody okay?"

"Okay, but uh can you move? I'm hungry" I bark out a laugh as I move out of her way. We talk as she finishes up with lunch. We take our plates outside to the balcony to eat. Luckily during the winter my balcony can be closed and the heaters can blow. Thank God for my parents' money.

After lunch we decided to go to the mall. I didn't want to sit in the house our whole week off. Plus I needed an outfit for dinner. She rolled her eyes when I said that because I have a massive closet, some clothes still have tags on them but they didn't fit the occasion.

When we got to the mall I went to Le Bustiere Boutique, a favorite lingerie store of mine, first. I wanted Jennifer to pick some lingerie out for me. I held her hand as we walked through the mall. I knew she would be nervous to be out like this. But, I want her to be comfortable.

I offered to take everyone out to dinner. And since this is my first time meeting them I wanted them to have a proper meal and experience. Jennifer means the world to me so meeting her parents is huge.

After we went to my stores, I took Jennifer to ASOS. I heard her talking to Garcia about it once. We went around the store getting her an outfit for the dinner and let me just say, delicious.

I couldn't wait to see her parents, it's all I thought about all day. I asked Jennifer question after question about them. Of course she was happy to answer them.

By the time we left the mall it was 6pm. We were heading back to my place so I could make us some dinner.

"Emily, you didn't have to buy me clothes, I have clothes at home" Jennifer said when we made it back to my place. She's been saying that ever since I bought them.

"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to. Look I like you a lot Jennifer.. You should know that by now. I want to take care of you, I have all this money and I only spend it on myself. I'm not trying to buy you or anything, I just want to take care of you. You mean the world to me and I'm more connected to you now, so please, let me care for you."

"I like you too Emily and okay. I'll let you have your way, this time" she winks at me and I laugh going into the kitchen while she takes our bags upstairs.

I wish this was our life everyday...


NOTHING X-RATED THIS TIME but I do have a few special chapters I want to try and plug in.

Also, Emily meeting the parents 🥺🥰 STOP THEY'RE IN LOVE!! AHHHH 🏃🏾‍♀️💨

Stay tuned babies, please don't ask for updates, I'm a full time college student and full time worker. I do need days to myself to rest and do errands.

I want the books updated more than you guys trust me, they're amazing! ❤️

I love you and thank you for joining me again.

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